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Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-06-09 12:53:34

New Spells...
I think we've already discussed Fear and Euphoria.

How about a spell that would have, say 10% chance for blinding every enemy creature. It would be of course a lvl5 spell and kinda expensive in mana.
2000-06-30 18:02:14

I did it the way I did...
because I disagree w/ how NWC set up the system in the *first* place...
what's the point of becoming an expert if you don;t really recieve any bonus??...

I mean, take implosion, a great spell, but to do *real* damage, you need massive power...
expert benefits you minimal damage at best(unless you are *extremely* low on power)

I want this changed, so that skill mastery actually gives you benefits, not piddly sh*t...
and to give you an idea of what I mean... one word: Fibbonacci

I'll agree to disagree if you will though :ţ

Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-07-01 16:24:21

Come to think of it...
comparing Expert Implosion benefits to Expert Slow benefits (for example) brings me to the conclusion that skill mastery isn't even.

Maybe it will change in HoMM4.
2000-07-01 19:36:41

Well, it is and it isn't...
the benefits aren't the *same*, but they do[but more accurately *can*], even out...

it's just thatexpert implosion *should* be more like +500 damage(IMO, NWC doesn't ahve the balls to do it my way, but then again, you don't exactly *pay* for those promotions...)

Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-07-02 21:27:48

Yes, Implosion needs a bigger bonus, maybe even +1000, but it would disbalance the game in the early phase. Imagine a hero with, say 3 SP and Knowledge casting a 1300 HP implosion... The bonus *could* be dependable on SP too.
2000-07-03 11:59:25

Well, if we'd get the GrandMaster level...
then the damage multipler would have to be higher.
2000-07-03 16:47:31

Well, I mentioned Fibonacci before...
the progression through mastery levels *should* be 1x,2x,3x,5x,8x,13x etc...
assuming of course, that oyu care to have that many levels :ţ

I like the idea of making the bonus dependent upon skill, but I'm thinking that maybe the equation should include knowlege as well, hmmmm.....
2000-07-04 09:35:10

So did I...
but it was over in the Temple.

But doing a bunch of complicated equations including Fib and Knowledge will probably not happen, specially since "simplification" has been tossed around quite a lot.
2000-07-04 10:42:30

In my way of thinking...
the only thing that needs to be simple, is the user interface...
*not* the code/equations....

simplifying the job of a programmer, *always*[absolutely NO exceptions], *always* leads to crappy-ass games, (and there are so many...)
simplification is not the answer

2000-07-06 16:32:01

Well, we'll just leve all the programming to Mara and her minions, shall we?

But now that I've thought the Fibonacci over, it sounds implementable.
2000-07-06 17:13:39

They'd be better off if they'd let *me* do all the mathematics/balancing :ţ...

but of course, I don't work by someone else's timeline, or ideas, so......

I'm thinking one of us should start talking about the spells again if we're to continue this conversation here though ;ţ(I just can't think of any...)

2000-07-06 17:28:05

good question...
And I suppose we can spend the rest of this thread for idle chit-chat/spamming for titles, and then start a new one when we come up with other ideas.
2000-07-06 17:52:43

But it's such a waste...
j/k ;ţ

but if you're a mod, why do you get levels?(I would figure you're already 1 higher than normal people can get...)

and I gotta get a global account at some point I suppose(actually, I just need the password ;ţ)

yeah, I'll start a new thread if I come up w/ new spells, this one is getting ridiculously long...
maybe if it could have been compartmentalized in some way(ooh, that was a big word, but ummm, it would be hard to expalin, if you don't have a partial idea of what I'm saying in the first place :ţ)
2000-07-06 18:00:39

I'm only a mod in the Temple, not here.
So I guess I'll have to gain my titles like anybody else.

I'm just wondering how good these titles are, is Goblin Soldier better than Axe Polisher?
2000-07-06 18:03:24

I would think so...
you still have to take orders, but at least you get to kill stuff ;ţ
2000-07-06 18:13:35

Depends on the viewpoint...
you get to sit infront of a cozy fire polishing a axe, while I am out on a battlefield taking the retal from some dragon.
2000-07-06 18:16:41

Not anymore...
now you get to watch your battalion do that ;ţ
2000-06-28 22:21:03

Okay, I got another one...
"crack's call"(well, that's stolen directly from MOM, so I suppose "chasm" or some variation on that might be better)

anyway, lev 4 earth
tears a crack in the ground that *can* swallow up a number of units in a stack(removing them permanently, like sacrifice)

as for number cruching, hmmmm...
25% chance of working + 1/skill
basic: kills 10% of stack +(8-monsterlevel)[kills at least 1]
adv: 20% of stack +2(8-monsterlevel)[kills at least 2]
expert: 30% of stack +3(8-mosterlevel)[kills at least 3]

for trogs, this means expert, if successful, will kill 30% of the stack outright, *plus* 3x(8-1)=3x7=21...
iow, 30%+21

while say dendroids would sustain the same 30%, but the number of extra loss would be 9

I like it ;ţ

2000-06-29 08:41:54

This Chasm...
would you be eble to aim it, or would it appear randomly on the battlefield?

The randomness would make it an interresting spell *grin*

And, Beh. The combo spell you want, I think we could have such combos in the way we discussed earlier, where more then one school affects a spell.
2000-06-29 19:25:00

I was thinking that you could target it...
maybe that would make it level 5?

and I might as well give you my next spell now...

"flame strike"
causes that a jet of fire(magma) should rise beneath *every* enemy unit...
definitely level 5,(though I've sugested the posibility of level *6* before, just not *here* :ţ)

fire school, 30mp(at least)

basic: powerx20
expert: powerx30

muhahahahahahahahaha, die, die!

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