Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-06-11 13:51:42
Won't the water from the other parts of the moat..
swim to the dry part?
2000-06-11 13:55:57
Re: Won't the water from the other parts of the moat..
Well, the fill would raise groundlevel so much that water would cover it.
The fire would just steam water as it came close... maybe it could be done that you take a bit of damge while going trough, but don't have to stop.
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-06-11 14:01:28
I think...
that an Earth spell raising ground in the moat would be better than the fire spell.
2000-06-11 14:09:16
I think the earth one is better too
but I'm grasping for straws trying to improve fire magic!
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-06-11 14:15:06
How do you know Fire Magic will be...
as weak in HoMM4 as it is in HoMM3?
I think they will balance it. Fire Magic just lacks good lvl1 spells, the other schools have, like: Slow, Haste, Cure, Bless, Dispel. The higher level spells are quite good (Berserk, Sacrifice).
2000-06-11 14:25:37
I don't know
I just know Fire was the worst in H3 and am trying to make up ways to improve it.
And Berz and Sacrifice are the only spells that would make fire worthwile (the effect on blind is negligable)
And while those spells are usefull to Inferno, the others can pretty much manage without the two.
2000-06-21 15:03:30
okay... new spell
"Increase Gravitation" Earth Spell, lvl 5(?)
Increases the gravitation on the battlefiled effectivly grounding all Flyers to the ground, making them foot units.
Would not affect units immune to magic (Black Dragons) and would not affect stack that have more HP than (Power * 25) (+10 for basic, +50 for advanced, +100 for expert Earth Magic)
Can only be disspelled with Expert Disspell.
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-06-21 15:11:35
Good idea...
It could be called just "Gravity". I think the SP*25 is too much. Maybe decrease the number or give, say *5 for Basic, *10 for adv. and *15 for exp?
After few months of gameplay a good spellcaster has SP around 20... 20*25=500 (+100 for earth magic=600). Not much critters have that much.
2000-06-21 15:18:57
Well, that part I'll leave for the gamedesigners:)
but 600hp, that's 3 lvl 7 flyers.
8 Manticores.
20 Vamp lords
And those are not such big numbers month 2.
And as I said, It can be disspelled.
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-06-21 15:28:13
You ment the total HP number...
silly me... then that's ok then.
2000-06-21 15:34:35
yes, like everything else in the game..
Hypno is based on total HP too, this wouldn't be different.
Otherwise only Rust and Azures could fly end-game. If even they.
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-06-21 15:37:29
no... berz is not based on HP...
it works on every non-fire/magic resistant creature.
2000-06-27 20:53:44
Well, since this is the topic to post at...
I'd like to see Lloyd's beacon implemented... kinda like an movable(temporary) portal, that only the casting hero can use
water would work best for it level 5(at *least*) +1 portal/mastery range based on spell power movement point loss would be similar to town portal *I* believe in unlimited casting/turn as well
if you've played "normal" MM you should be familiar w/ this spell :ţ
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-06-27 21:19:49
Haven't played original MM....
and that may be the reason, I don't quite get it. You mean something like an extended DDoor or sth?
As for "Black Prayer" it has the effect sorta similar to the Armor of the Damned artifact.
2000-06-28 05:52:29
I'd still like to see it as a spell...
it could give you just enough of an edge[black prayer]
as for LB, well, ummm, I related it the way I did, because I don't know *how* else it would be represented in the game... basically, it lets you "save" your position, and then return to it later(after traveling)
it would be very powerful if your hero also has TP
hmmm, this just made me think that we need an overland "dispel magic"["disjunction" is what MOM called it] so that other players may 'dissolve' your LB portals
2000-06-28 09:24:18
Lloyds would be pretty strong...
get a couple of decent scouts, rush the enemy and plant the beacon before TPing out to get an army.
It could be balanced in the way that.
1. It takes a whole turn to plant. (like digging for grail) 2. Only the one who planted it can use it. (obviously) 3. It can be "removed" without any spells. (but that would also take a full day.)
And black prayer should be exactly as the prayer, but reversed.
-2 A, D and Speed at basic. -4 A, D and Speed at advanced. -4 A, D and Speed to all enemy at Expert.
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-06-28 21:17:29
Now I get it...
The ways of balancing, Belt proposed seem quite good.
As for Black Prayer... reversing Prayer is a fine idea, but maybe we should give it a different name...
And the spell that combines Slow, Curse, Misfortune, Weakness - could be a lvl5 spell, cost much, and have a mass effect on Expert.
2000-06-27 21:15:19
Got another one too...
just remebered: "black prayer" casts slow, weakness, and curse on an enemy unit(s)[well, the equivalent of prayer, but *bad*, and on the enemy]
I think it's pretty self explanatory(and again, it's another MOM reference :ţ)