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2001-11-24 04:23:53

Re: nowy wywiad z Maranthea
Kilka nowych obrazkow z HOMM IV + relacje beta-testerow mozna znalezc na tej stronie.
Poki co, "tolko pa ruski"

2001-12-05 01:33:01

Pewnie was zainteresuje...
...ze artykul o ktorym pisal Obywatel E. zostal przetlumaczony.
Link mozna znalezc na stronie Celestial Heaven Unleashed.
Don Ash
2001-08-28 08:00:06

Re: wieści o HoMM IV
No cóż. Przede wszystkim podziękowania dla Hollow Tigre za info, a poza tym to Heroes 4 zapowiada się coraz ciekawiej...
2001-09-09 22:59:43

Re: wieści o HoMM IV
bardzo ciekawe informacje, mam wiec kilka przemyslen i uwag.

- ktos juz zauwazyl, ze jest ogromna przepasz pomiedzy jednostkami 1 i 4 poziomu, moze wiec (co sie wiaze z codziennym przyrostem 1-poziomych), te slabsze beda wystepowaly w nieporownanie wiekszych ilosciach, przeciez ilosci w ktorych wystepowaly 'tradycyjne' jednostki (mam na mysli glownie te z Castle) byly wrecz smieszne w porownaniu do rozmiarow jakiejs rzeczywistej armii, byc moze teraz stworzenie kilkutysiecznego oddzialu krasnoludow nie bedzie niczym nadzwyczajnym

- skad do licha w Necropolis impy, cerbery i diabły?? co prawda wg Wampira: Maskarady, kiedy pies napije sie wampirzej krwi staje sie czyms na ksztalt cerbera, tyle ze wg WM wampiry nie sa martwiakami, co do diablow i impow to doprawdy nie wiem co one maja wspolnego z nekromancja???

- zauwazyliscie ze w poprzednich czesciach liczby HP jednostek byly w wiekszosci przypadkow bardzo okrągłę, 50, 60, 100, 150, 250, 1000 itp. A tutaj prosze 770, 1100. O co mi chodzi? a no o to, ze byc moze tworcy gry bardziej rzetelnie przylozyli sie do rownowagi wsrod jednostek i kazda z tych liczb jest dokladnie obliczona i przemyslana, wczesniej mozna bylo odniesc wrazenie, ze robili tak: 'a tu damy 200, zeby bylo rowno', jesli sie nie myle to bylby znaczacy postep (zwlaszcza biorac pod uwage wielkie problemy z ocenianiem jednostek do turnieju)
2001-09-10 06:44:01

Re: wieści o HoMM IV
Wydaje mi sie ze diably, cerbery i impy wziely sie w necropolis poniewarz nie bylo dla nich innego miejsca, najwyrazniej tworcom nie podobal sie uklad kiedy to dobro moglo wynajac aniola a zli pozostawali bez diabla. Krotko mowiac trzeba bylo gdzies te jednostki "upchnac".
2001-09-17 11:39:09

Re: wieści o HoMM IV
3DO otworzyło oficjalną stronę o HoMM IV. Na razie nic specjalnego w niej nie ma. Np. w dziale download sa dwie tapety, a właściwie jedna, ale w różnej rozdzielczości. Zresztą tapeta jest nawet fajna.
A poza tym jest tam to, co już znamy. Zaciekawiło mnie tylko jedno i może ktoś mi pomoże - co to ma znaczyc, że mam uważać na "wandering monters" - czyli co, nie będą już stać w miejscu, tylko wędrować i naprzykrzać się. Taki pomysł jest całkiem niezły.
2001-09-17 13:37:06

Re: wieści o HoMM IV
Dokladnie tak samo to tlumacze, mosci Grenadierze - wedrujace bandy, ktore zaatakuja nas jesli tylko poczuja sie silniejsze; zreszta o tym juz chyba bylo pisane w paru miejscach ?
Pare dni temu sporzadzil kolekcje prawie wszystkich jednostek bioracych udzial w HOMM IV, zas dzis CHU (Celestial... ) uporzadkowal je wedlug przynaleznosci do danego miasta. Link do Rezerwatu tymczasowo nie dziala, a szkoda. No tak, ale co ja na to ? Coz, znowu chyba nadszedl ten moment uczuciowego mikstu, lekkiego niesmaku mieszanego z zachwytem. W moim przekonaniu trzeba je jednak widziec "w akcji", jako ruchome prezentowaly sie przeciez fantastycznie. Ciekaw jestem Waszego zdania...

OE - piszacy gdy dom (pelen ludzi) spi ; )
2001-08-24 20:05:29

Oni mają masonów
a my Radio Ma-Ryja, a jednak to oni dostali betę. Widać jak 3DO obchodzi Polska. Zresztą trudno się dziwić jak sprzedadzą 10tys. oryginałów a piraci 100tys. podróbek.
2001-08-26 02:11:13

Re: Oni mają masonów
"...a my Radio Maryja" - dlatego nam bety nie pokazano... Ha, ha, ha, ha, dobre !!! Serdecznie sie usmialem Drogi Guineo ; )))...
Zas patrzac bardziej pod katem wierzen ludowych, my mamy syrenki, a oni samodiwy, zreszta tam wsio jest "samo", kak samowar - to naturalnie zart ; ))
Ale zachodze w glowe jakimz to cudem akurat Bulgarie (???) spotkal taki zaszczyt... No to sie Stojanow musial ucieszyc ; )
2001-08-26 11:55:13

Re: Oni mają masonów
Oczywiscie jestem za wrzuceniem informacji, najlepiej przetlumaczonych :) Ale chyba zaczne przeszukiwac warezowe serwery w poszukiwaniu wersji beta. Oczywiscie mam zamiar kupic orginala, ale tak jak wszyscy nie moge sie doczekac aby zagrac w czworke :)
2001-08-24 05:12:13

Re: wie¶ci o HoMM IV
Jesli nie ma tego nigdzie w sieci, to oczywiscie wrzuc to tutaj (gdyby bylo to pewnie wystarczylby link, a tak to bedzie kolejny dluzszy temat forum, co najwyzej jOjO go potnie na kolejne kawalki ;) . Swoja droga to niesprawiedliwosc wielka, tacy Bulgarzy maja beta wersje HOMM4, a my nie!!! To wszystko przez tych Masonow i cyklistow.
2001-08-24 05:24:51

Re: wieści o HoMM IV
Ech ci Bułgarzy pewnie nawet nie umieją docenić tego co otrzymali...
No ale wrzucic to tu zawsze można.....
Behemoth the Barbarian
2001-08-24 06:44:08

Re: wieści o HoMM IV
Te wieści są na Celestial Heavens Unleashed i byłyby już dawno w Jaskini gdyby nie kolejne problemy z serwerem Valhalli.
Hollow Tigre
2001-08-26 20:56:50

Re: wieści o HoMM IV
Behe- ponieważ nie protestowałeś więc "publikuję".
Misza- tłumaczenie będzie musiało chwilkę poczekać (przynajmniej w moim wykonaniu)- w pracy czas muszę dzielić między Forum a obowiązki służbowe... :)
Wszyscy- oczywiście zapraszam do komentowania...
i przepraszam za długość z 11 stron zrobiło się tylko 9.

Pierwszej części tłumaczenia nie opatrzę ŻADNYM komentarzem....
I haven't got the beta of Heroes 4... yet. But I've just bought the new issue of the Bulgarian PC magazine "Gamers' Workshop". In the previous issue they said that they were playing the beta... now they say that they have a "Heroes of Might&Magic: First-Look Demo". Anyway, there's an article of 6 pages which consists of huge amount of information and some interesting screenshots which you can't get anywhere because they are from that beta/demo.

Informacja o Preserve:
Fairy Dragons
Well, here's what they say about the Preserve:
"For example, Rampart and Conflux are strangely united (if you remember, it was about the same in Heroes 2) in a new town called Preserve, where at the top of the creature pyramid you will have to choose between Phoenix and Fairy Dragon..."
I think that it's so - if the author wanted to say "Gold Dragon", he would say it! I don't believe that he has accidentally said "Fairy Dragon". Well, we will have to choose between a flyer-fighter and a flyer-spellcaster, I guess..

Teraz o wojskach z Academy:
1 level - Dwarves/Halflings
2 level - Gold Golems/Magi
3 level - Genies/Nagas
4 level - Titans/Dragon Golems

Umiejętności bohaterów:
Here are some of the starting skills:
"For example, the Warrior starts with Tactics and Offense, the Lord - with Nobility and Estates, the Necromancer - with Death Magic and Occultism, the Priest - with Life Magic and Healing etc."
There are 9 primary skills from which you can choose 5. Each of them has 3 secondary skills. So you can have totally 20 skills with five levels of mastery - basic, advanced, expert, master, grandmaster. If you want all the skills to become grandmaster, your hero has to be 99 level... It's clear that you won't have your super hero very soon. It's interesting that if you want to grow one of your primary skills to an expert level, you have to have one or two secondary skills at a basic level:
"For example let's see the Combat skill. It gives you the opportunity to research the Toughness, Resistance and Archery skills. Toughness is important (this skill increases the hit points of the hero per cent - at a grandmaster level this increase is 225%) because it is obligatory to have it:
-at least at basic to increase the Combat to expert
-at advanced to increase the Combat to master
-at expert to increase the Combat to grandmaster
It's the same with the development of all other skills"
When your hero makes a level, if he is a Barbarian, this will increase his hit points with 65 and his damage with 6-9. This could be a "one man army"!

The difference between Heroes 3 and Heroes 4 is bigger than that between Heroes 2 and Heroes 3. Absolutely nothing has left from the old skills, even these with same names as those in HoMM3 practically have completely different working.
The Tactics skill doesn't allow you to define the places of your units but simply adds points to their speed. It also increases the radius (maybe something like the Scouting, although the Scouting is also here?). You should know that your hero doesn't affect with his indicators the whole army but only those units and heroes who are in his radius of influence (I don't understand that. Maybe radius means that your hero affects only those creatures which are near him?).
The Archery skill allows the hero to make the maximum damage from any range. At the grandmaster level it works this way: double shoot, maximum damage from any range, maximum damage in hand-to-hand fighting and maximum damage when shooting beyond a castle wall! When you research the Archery skill, your hero authomatically becomes an archer.
If you have the Combat skill at a grandmaster level, it gives you 200% more damage, First Strike (or something like that) - if the enemy unit decides to attack your hero, HE will hit first and if he kill it, he won't take any damage, and the grandmaster Combat gives you also a second strike (like that of the Crusader and the Wolf Raider). First Strike, huh? They have stolen it from Age of Wonders!
The problem is that the Combat skill affects only the hero. But there are skills that affect the units as well. For example, Offense and Defense.
Offense increases the damage of the units in your hero's radius of influence (again this radius!). At a grandmaster level this increase is 100%.
Defence reduces the damage which your units take. At a grandmaster level the reduce is 50%.
Offense and Defense are secondary skills for the Tactics primary skill.
The Resistance skill saves 100% from magic attacks (at a grandmaster level, of course!). The Leadership skill increases not only the moral but also the Movement.
Now about the magic skills. There is no Wisdom skill. There are five magic primary skills - Order, Nature, Life, Chaos and Death Magic. In Heroes 4 there are normal and mass spells - the former doesn't become the latter! (it was the same in Heroes 2) The mass spells are just mass spells. Here's the author's explanation:
"In Heroes 4 you'll have the Slow spell, you'll have also the Mass Slow spell. But Mass Slow will be, for example (so the author is not sure!), 4 level and you'll have to be master at particular magic skill to learn it. For the normal Slow it will be enough for you to be at a basic level"
The first two secondary skills to each of the Magic primary skills are obligatory for you to develop it to the end and in spite of their different names their action is one and the same - they increase the spell points and the efficiency of all the spells with particular percentage. The third secondary skills to each Magic primary skills are more interesting:
The Sorcery skill from the Chaos Magic at a grandmaster level oncreases the damage of all Magic's spells with 100%.
The Resurrection skill from the Life Magic at a grandmaster level allows your hero to resurrect 50% of the dead creatures after a battle. Wow!
And here's the dessert, according to the author. It's the Stealth skill which is a secondary skill to the Scouting primary skill. A hero with grandmaster Stealth is completely invisible for all the heroes who doesn't have the Scouting primary skill at a grandmaster level and for all the creatures below... I think that the author has made a mistake... below 6 level. Maybe he wanted to write 4 level? The problem is that if the hero has an army, it doesn't become invisible... So if you want to surprise the enemy, you have to walk only with your invisible hero, without an army.

"The resources are the same again. The way of their extraction is a little different, however. The carps of resources (that you can pick - Wyvern) and the mines are clear. The new is that there are fields which you can turn into mines for some money and resources (wood, ore). Something that makes you think that the mines will have a limit is the fact that on the map there were "exhausted mines". Frankly speaking, I couldn't exhaust a mine but there is logic in the possibility that they are not inexhaustible. Evidence for this is the Mining skill. It is a secondary skill to the Nobility primary skill which increases the population in the town where the hero is. The grandmaster Mining gives one wood and one ore every day and a random resource (mercury, crystal, gems, sulphur - Wyvern) on every second day. Walking mine, said with other words. Even more than one. And the other secondary skill to Nobility - Estates - at a grandmaster level gives you exactly as a mine gives - 1000 gold per day. Imagine that someone kills such a developed hero.

The main conception of the battles has remained but there are also many changes. Your armies are now placed in two rows. This way you can place your shooters at the back row (you'll understand what does that cause after a while). One of the most important thing is that now there are two indicators of the speed of the unit at the battleground - Haste and Movement. The Haste defines the order of joining the battle and the movement shows how much of the distance on the battleground your unit can take:
"For example, the Beholder has Haste 6 and Movement 6, and the Bone Dragon has Haste 5 and Movement 12. That means that the Beholder will start first its turn but will be able to make only 6 steps while the Bone Dragon will make its turn AFTER the Beholder but will fly through half of the battleground..."
What a change! But I think this is more realistic - these two indicators are quite different.
I said that the Leadership skill increases the Morale and the Movement of the unit. Well, at a grandmaster level it increases the Movement with 6 points!
As you probably know, when you attack an enemy group of creatures, they will retaliate with full strength and after that they will lose what you have killed. But it's the same with shooters - if your halflings shoot the enemy's magi... they will retaliate with shooting! Now you can choose for your shooters whether to shoot or to attack hand-to-hand.
The Morale also works different way. If you get High Morale, you won't make your move immediately but will have to wait for all other units to move before your second turn. This surprised me because I have seen in a preview that the Morale will be completely different... and it's almost the same!

The author of the article regrets that in this beta/demo a big part of the spells are inactive. But he mentions some spells:
Confusion - from the Chaos Magic - when you cast it at a group of creatures, it misses its next turn. There is also a mass variant of the spell - Cloud Confusion which acts in a 3x3 square radius and doesn't affect your units!
Fisrt Strike - it works like the hero ability with the same name - when someone attacks your unit, it will attack first. However, if your unit attacks, the enemy unit doesn't retaliate with full strength but with those creatures who survived (as in Heroes 3). This spell also has a mass variant - Mass First Strike which affects ALL of your units.
There are also some summoning spells - for example, Summon Wolf.
There is also a more exotic spell - Steal - it takes all beneficial spells from an enemy unit and goves them to a unit of yours which you choose. As the author says: "I hope that this spell doesn't have a mass variant"!
You can learn the spells as in the previous games - in the Mage Guilds or in a Shrine but there will be Shrines teaching 4 level spells and (this is the author's guess) even 5 level spells!
What else? The spells look most like those in HoMM3. Some of them are already known but because of the new system will work a bit different.
And now a question for Incubus: Why there is a Summon Wolf spell? Until now all summoning spells summoned neutral creatures. There is no point in summoning creature from an existing town. So, Incubus, you can say that the Wolf is in Preserve but it's obviously a neutral creature. Otherwise you could summon the Titan as well!
Forget about the old artifacts! The new artifacts affect mostly the heroes which wear them. Of course, there are artifacts which affect the hero's army - the Horseshoe increases the luck +1 of all units in a 3 yard radius (I don't know what is yard in Heroes 4, this is the word that the author used). The artifacts that act only beneficially are very rare. If the artifact increases one of your stats, it will often decrease another. The author gives an example - an armor which increases the damage with 25% but decreases the duration of the spells with one turn and makes them cost more spell points!
By the way, if your heroes lose hit points in the battle, they don't restore them authomatically after the battle as it's with the creatures. There are Healing Potions which will do that. You can use them in the battle or after it. There are many types of potions - restorinfg spell points, increasing Morale, cursing the enemy, etc.
These potions are in your magic book and when your hero uses them, his turn ends. If he casts a spell, his turn also ends. So when your hero has to make his move, you'll have to decide what to do:
1-make a physical attack (hand-to-hand or shoot)
2-cast a spell
3-use a potion (it is treated like a spell)
But only one of these actions! So if you want your hero to be a great spellcaster, he won't fight at all! Well, except when someone attacks him - he will have to retaliate. What do you think about this?
In the article it's not mentioned about the units retaliating EVERY time. I think that the author would have said if it had been so - this is a big change after all! By the way, I want to say something about that screenshot with Fafner. It shows her making a level. Below her picture is written:
Fafner is now a level 20 Knight
+4-5 damage
+20 hit points
Below this text there are three pictures of skills that Fafner can research. Below the third it's written Basic Diplomacy. Below the other two skills there is a text:
"Master Resistance gives the hero the ability to resist hostile spells 70% of the time"
I guess that the player has clicked with the right button on one of the two skills. So there are Basic Diplomacy and Master Resistance on the screenshot. Alas, I can't see what is the third skill because the text hides it.
It looks like the Barbarian is much stronger (in physical strength) than the Knight (advanced hero class). The Barbarians gain 6-9 damage and 65 hit points with each level and the Knights (I guess from that screenshot) - 4-5 damage and 20 hit points!? Then what is the specialty of the Knight hero type that makes it be not weaker than the Barbarian?
You know that you can build both level 1 buildings but for level 2, 3 and 4 you have to choose one of the two creature dwellings. The author takes for example the Academy town:
"... You build Mage Tower (for the Magi) or Golem Factory (for Gold Golems), then Altar of Wishes (for Genies) or Golden Pavilion (for Nagas) and in the end Cloud Castle. But in exchange to the Titans you have to do without the Dragon Golems - perfect killers with a specialty First Strike and they even eliminate the same specilty from other units..."
Yeah, those Dragon Golems are really strong. Imagine that your hero has a First Strike ability... it won't work against the Dragon Golem. Here is what happens when you attack a group of Dragon Golems: they attack fisrt and if they kill you, they don't lose anything! If they don't kill you, you won't retaliate with full strength but with the forces that remained after the Dragon Golem's attack! So what will you choose - Dragon Golems or Titans?
In the town there is NO Capitol and there aren't defending walls (maybe in the full version?). On the map there are strange crystals which are inactive in the beta/demo but they have interesting names - Emerald of Speed, Rubi of Defense, Sapphire of Health, etc. Maybe artifacts?
The Water Wheel and the Windmill work more comfortably - once visited by you they give you resources authomatically in the beginning of each week.
Only the Academy and Stringhold towns are like those in HoMM3. The others are mixed - Preserve is a mix of Conflux and Rampart, in Asylum (the town of Black Dragons and Hydras) there are creatures from Inferno, Dungeon and Fortress (for example, Wyvern? Please!), and some of the creatures from Inferno have moved to Necropolis (as I said - the Imps, the Cerberi and the Archdevils).
Now something very interesting - the new creature population doesn't come in the beginning of the new week. The 1 level units are born every day! in different quantities and the next levels - at an interval of one, two and three days. However, the 4 level units are always two per week.
The magical creatures have their own spellbooks from which you can choose what spell to cast. But some day the spell points of your creatures will end... But there are potions restorating spell points. About the potions - you can find them on the adventure map or in Blacksmiths on the adventure map (the author doesn't mention if there are Blacksmiths in the towns!). In the Blacksmiths you can buy artifacts as well. There are also two screenshots on the Potion topic - the first shows a spellbook in which there is a page Items and in this page there are 5 potions - of Healing, of Health, of Mirth, of Quickness and of Strength. The second screenshot shows a Blacksmith - it is called Alchemist's Shop and it's screen looks exactly like the shops in Might and Magic 7&8 inside. There are potions, a spear, an armor and a speculum. Something very interesting about this screenshot is that in it your hero is dead. He is shown as a yellow face with closed eyes which says "Zzz". Maybe the player has come to the Blacksmith to resurrect him...
I continue with the article. Only in Stronghold there is no Mage Guild but the units are powerful and the Barbarian heroes tart with 3 skills (the other classes start with 2). I the other towns there are Mage Guilds but you can learn spells only from two types of Magic - for example, Death and Chaos.
I said that the Cyclope is a shooter and does mass damage - hits units in several squares. There is information about some other creatures:
The strongest unit in the game (so far) is the Black Dragon. It was the same in HoMM2. The Black Dragon has 1100 Hit Points and 140-300 Damage! But don't faint, in Heroes 4 the numbers are much bigger than in the previous games. The Behemoths have 750 HP and 180-275 Damage, the Titans - 610 HP and 100-150 Damage, the Bone Dragons - 550 HP and 100-150 Damage, the Dragon Golems - 730 HP and 120-180 Damage, the Archangels and Archdevils have 575 HP, etc.
Another idea stolen from Age of Wonders - if your party is composed of only flying creatures they can go through water (sounds logically). But in the beta/demo, if your hand ends on water, the flyers just stay on it (this doesn't sound so logically but maybe in the final version the things will change).
The last thing from this chapter - the Berserkers! The author says that they are from Preserve but I think he's made a mistake. When there is a battle, you can't control the Berserkers - they always attack the nearest enemy! Grandmaster Suicide, I think! Anyway, they are 1 level unit so you won't miss them so much - you can recruit them every day.
Don't worry, Grandmaster Suicide was just a joke! But the Berserkers always attack the nearest enemy unit - even if it's 100 times stronger. Isn't this a suicide?
Hello again! Wow, what a discussion! By the way, I hadn't seen Dragon Golems before I read that article in "Gamers' Workshop". There is a screenshot in the article which shows a battle and there are Dragon Golems in it. As I see, these dragons have the construction of the Eiffel Tower and (which is more frustrating) there is a torso of Golem with hands and a head on the back of the dragon! I can't understand this. Does the golem manipulate the dragon or not? If not, with what does the dragon attack? With the Dragon head or with the Golem torso? Anyway, I don't agree with those Dragon Golems - is the Academy town a mechanical town? And the Dragon Golems are too strong - they have less HP and Damage than the Black Dragon, but they'll always attack him first and he will retaliate with only what survived the attack.
But we can't change this. We have to get used to those Dragon Golems.
24-50 Damage
180 Hit Points
18 Spell Points (I'm not sure but the picture seems to show Spell Points - so the Nightmare is a spellcaster)
The next stats is 22(23) but I have no idea what is it
The next seems to be Haste - 6
Luck - neutral
Morale - + or ++
And there is a description:
"Nightmares can cast Fear causing their enemy to lose their turn.
Nightmares are also immune to Life Magic spells and take less damage from Life-aligned creatures."
So there are rivalries again! Nightmares against Life-aligned creatures!
By the way, the Nightmare is a horse without a raider. Horse-spellcaster?
Well, in the article the Nightmares aren't mentioned but other sources say that the Nightmares are in Asylum. By the way, there is another screenshot from that article that is interesting - it shows the stats of all Academy units! Although the numbers may change in the final version, here they are:
16 HP
3-4 Damage
3 Haste
14 Movement
0 Spell Points
0 Shots (this is for shooters)
50 Magic Resistance (maybe percentage?) - specialty
9 HP
1-2 Damage
6 Haste
14 Movement
0 Spell Points
10 Shots
Gold Golems
75 HP
12-18 Damage
3 Haste
18 Movement
0 Spell Points
0 Shots
75 Magic Resistance. Mechanical
145 HP
6 Haste
30 Movement
15 Spell Points
0 Shots
Flying. Spellcaster
610 HP
100-150 Damage
6 Haste
22 Movement
0 Spell Points
16 Shots
No Melee Penalty. Chaos Ward
Sorry, but I'm not sure for the numbers because they are too small. Anyway, the difference between the levels is really bigger than in HoMM3!

2001-08-26 22:23:46

Re: wie¶ci o HoMM IV
Widac z liczb, ze stwory pierwszego poziomu to bedzie praktycznie tylko mieso armatnie, a czwartego poziomu beda naprawde silne. Ale z drugiej strony taki barbarzynca juz na 10 poziomie prawie moze sie rownac z 4 poziomem. Tyle ze z taka przewaga hp moze sie faktycznie okazac, ze pare smokow (czarnych lub golemowych) pozwoli sie przejechac po mapie miazdzac wszsytko po drodze, a to byloby chyba nienajlepiej.
Hollow Tigre
2001-08-27 02:01:54

Re: wie¶ci o HoMM IV
Najbardziej (na razie) podoba mi się skomplikowanie umiejętności (dawniej, tfu, tzn. obecnie- w homm3- zwanymi umiejętnościami drugorzędnymi) bohatera oraz połączenie szybkości z ruchem. Jak na razie najgorsze wrażenie na mnie robi umiejętność Nobility (szkoda, mi było dotychczas czasu aby rozwijać bohatera z umiejętnością estates basic do estates expert). Bohaterzy 'szlachetni' mają rzecz jasna ogromne zastosowanie (np. przyrost jednostek w zamku, zasoby też się zawsze przydają), ale żeby tak od razu takiego bohatera rzucać w wir walki..., no to nie jestem przekonany. Być może właśnie o to chodziło twórcom gry... Zwłaszcza jeżeli Town Portal/ DDoor i Fly na zawsze wyniosą się z gry..., potrzebny będzie ktoś dobrze wykształcony do obrony zamku.

BTW: jak myślicie czy 'nobility' będzie dostępne dla zamku Necropolis? Jakoś nie widziałem jeszcze szlachetnych nekromatów (no może poza Miszą i Sewrey'em :) ;) ).
2001-08-27 11:06:35

Re: wie¶ci o HoMM IV
No, Twoje szczescie zes dodal ten nawias :) bo czytajac ostatnie zdanie malo nie spadlem z krzesla i scyzoryk mi sie w kieszeni zaczal otwierac :D
2001-08-27 19:42:43

Re: wie¶ci o HoMM IV
"Jakos nie widzialem jeszcze szlachetnych nekromatów (no moze poza Misza i Sewrey'em)." Dziekuje w imieniu swoim i Vitolda - humorystycznie ma sie rozumiec ; )
Ale do watku... Wiadomosci mnie osobiscie zadowolily, a kilka z nich w szczegolnosci... Juz na wiesc o przywolujacych silach Rezerwatu, miejsce to przypadlo mi do gustu. Tym bardziej uradowala mnie dzisiejsza nowina o pojawieniu sie w nim Faerie Dragon'a. Przeczucie mi mowi, ze bedzie to moj, po Nekropolii, drugi dom. Podoba mi sie bardzo powrot wyodrebnionych czarow "mass", poniewaz w HOMM III jednak zbyt latwo zdobywalo sie tak potezne czary jak Mass Slow czy Mass Bless (mozliwe praktycznie po pierwszej walce). Movement decydujacy o zasiegu ruchu i Haste o jego kolejnosci - niezwykle ciekawe rozwiazanie... No i cos o czym tak wiele sie mowilo i co zawsze uwazalem za logiczny i konieczny element gry, regeneracja HP (w tym wypadku przynajmniej bohatera, hurra !!!). Rzecz nastepna to niepelna korzysc plynaca z posiadania artefaktow (kosztem utraty czegos innego) - tak, tak, tak, ktos dobrze pomyslal... Dotychczas to cos sie znalazlo, zaraz sie "przyodzialo" i juz, znalezlismy maczuge to sie stary toporek wyrzucalo... Wyglada na to, ze teraz trzeba sie bedzie nieco zastanowic co warto zatrzymac... Przyrost jednostek - to trzeba sprawdzic juz w samej grze, mysle. Nie powiedziane jest np. ile jednostek danego poziomu bedzie sie mnozylo w danym dniu, pod koniec tygodnia moga byc problemy z wykupieniem takiej armii, co z drugiej strony czyniloby Szlachectwo bardziej pozadanym... Roznice w mocy miedzy poszczegolnymi poziomami sa odpowiednie (mam nadzieje, ze podobna zaleznosc zostanie zachowana takze w ich cenach...

Jesli mam cos do zarzucenia to kilka drobnych niescislosci (albo znow czegos nie pojalem ; )) liczbowych. Moze ktos z Was inaczej to zrozumial, ale ten rozwoj pieciu umiejetnosci z dziewieciu nijak mi nie wychodzi na max 20... Zastanawiajacy jest ow promien wplywu bohatera na jednostki, co w sytuacji gdy mamy kilku bohaterow i ustawimy jednostke w "epicentrum" ich dzialania, tak ulepszona przez kilku moze stac sie niebotycznie silna ? Watpliwosci ciag dalszy: jezeli usuniete zostaly Attack i Defense to zadawane obrazenia beda chyba rowne obrazeniom podanym w statystykach, a wiec np. Dwarf bedzie zadawal 3-4 obrazen, niewazne czy uderzy Halfinga czy Tytana, wykluczajac naturalnie wplyw innych umiejetnosci.
A na marginesie stwierdzenie "First Strike, huh? They have stolen it from Age of Wonders!" jest nietaktem wobec naszej ukochanej gry i jezeli autor chce byc konsekwentnym musi plagiatorstwo zarzucic rowniez Age of Wonders, chociaz osobiscie lepiej bym nie wspominal ; ). Umiejetnosc First Strike pojawila sie o wiele, wiele wczesniej w grach tego samego gatunku, jednakze o tyle innych, ze karcianych, wzglednie planszowych (Dungeons & Dragons, Magic the Gathering itp.) OK, wystarczy ; )
Hollow Tigre
2001-08-28 01:20:18

smocza pamięć i gracja
Drogi Obywatelu Eracji, Drogi Vitoldzie,

Chciałbym Was serdecznie przeprosić.
O Vitoldzie rzeczywiście zapomniałem (zresztą dawno już na Forum się nie udzielał) natomiast nigdy nie przypuszczałem, Obywatelu, że przekroczyłeś już rzekę dzielącą życie od śmierci... Postaram się o tym nie zapomnieć, zwłaszcza jeśli pewna czarodziejka ponownie zawita w nasze progi.... przypominam, że stwierdziła, że nie lubi Necropolis w związku ze światopoglądem jaki wyznaje... 5X :)

Drogi Miszo,

Nie wiedziałem, że nekromaci noszą w kieszeniach (???) scyzoryki. :)

Co do Faerie Dragons- też mi się spodobały (podobnie jak pomysł umieszczenia ich w Preserve). Pytanie tylko czy wytrzymają konkurencję BD czy Behemotów... W HoMM III Faerie były od nich lepsze (przynajmniej w HP).
2001-08-28 03:15:31

Re: smocza pamięć i gracja
Szanowny Eliasie !
Dzieki, w calym tym roztargnieniu nie wzialem pod uwage poprawy samych statystyk.

Drogi Hollow Tigre !
Po drugiej stronie Styksu od lat juz wedkuje ; )))
Przypuszczam, iz to wlasnie ten miniportret bezbarwny nie do konca zdradza moj bardzo sedziwy wiek ; )

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