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2000-07-03 12:09:09

the GrandMaster level...
It has been discussed before, so let's talk about it here.

The GrandMaster level would give much larger benefits then the Expert level.

The GrandMaster level of each skill would only be available to a selected few hero classes.

The GrandMaster level would let you teach out the skill to other heroes (for the cost of 2000 gold)

The GrandMaster level in any skill could not be abtained untill the hero is lvl20.

2000-07-03 16:51:39

I like it...
*but*, I think you're skipping a level here...
there needs to be a *master* level first, then GM...

I think this would justify the teaching ability you sugest

I also think that the actual binuses it gives, need to be 'outrageous' comparatively w/ what B-M give(this means, not so much that it gives an unfair advantage, but not so little as to make it just another step in the 'mastery progression') :ţ

2000-07-04 09:27:35

well, the levels could be renamed...

And the GM specials would be awesome... but should have some kind of restrictions too.
For example, you can only GM one skill. And to be able to GM a skill, you can't have another (No GM Earth Magic if you know Water magic)

And for the advantages, well.

Increased multipliers in damage spells. For Magic Schools.

GM Scholar could trade all spells + learn the spells on scrolls.

GM Leader would not get bad morale, ever.

And so on...
2000-07-04 10:39:50

Well, okay...
normal MM, just does "expert" for that middle one...

but ummm, the system I would *prefer* to use would have [at least] 5 levels of mastery


at one point I was even looking into 8, something like this...


2000-07-04 11:16:36

I like the 7 others though.

Make the lowest (apprentice) a sorta "placeholder". a GM can make another hero a Apprentice in the craft, but the lvl doesn't give any advantages, just makes sure you get the skill.
2000-07-05 16:47:33

That was what I was thinking...
that way, mages and the like can get the sword skill, but still not really be able to *use* it, just swing it around haphazardly ;ţ

and a journeyman is "someone who has a fair amount of experience"
I suppose it could be replaced w/ "practiced" if you prefer :ţ

Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-07-05 21:55:02

I think there could be...
different titles for different levels of mastery for different skills, like Wisdom...


or sth...
2000-07-06 14:57:08

having different titles...
would confuse the dreg too much.

But I like the idea of more levels.
and the Fibonacci sequence would male the power grater.

(no skill) 1
apprentice 1
novice 2
basic 3
advanced 5
practiced 8
expert 13
master 21
GM 34
2000-07-06 15:10:08

Almost gets out of hand, doesn't it?...
but it *is* fair, as long as skills vs mastery is balanced throughout all the hero-types...

just think of what benefits tactics could give with GM that way... ;ţ
(not to mention logistics!) hehe
2000-07-06 15:22:43

Maybe, maybe not...
that's a lot by homm3 standards, but maybe not h4 standards.

But tactics, it could be (Fibonacci -1). So 31 hexes for GM.

I don't know how large the battlefield is in h4 (probably larger, with the new engine) but that could work.

specially if you keep in mind that the opponent might well have GM Air and he'll still wipe out half your amy with a single CL.

As for Logistics, it would be powerfull too. But the GM Air hero could once again be better with DD.
2000-07-06 17:25:43

I was thinking that tactics could become *more* than just "tactics"...
like increasing natural creature abilities and formation moving for you units(including but not limited to, multiple strike[multiple units, not "strikes twice" stuff])...

is ther a better term for that?

2000-07-06 17:34:25

I think those things can be summed up in Leadership.
2000-07-06 17:43:11

NO, not morale...
having a "group attack"...
and "increase natural abilities" means that like crusaders would "strike thrice"(instead of twice) and vampire lords could *gain* numbers of some such nonsense...

but this would be GM, of course, no question
2000-07-06 17:48:47

Well... how about
Making those Unique skills, as the mana->movement thing.

Every Hero specializing on a troop would give it more unique advantages then just increased speed and D/A.

They would also increase chances of unit special happening. (Hehe, Hello Alkin. No, don't bring those Mighty Gorgons over here!)
2000-07-06 17:59:12

that would be something, but I'd still like it to be part of *a* skill...

back to the specialty though...
your way would allow for (almost) complete.... customization?(bad word, I know.) uniqueness?(doesn't quite connote what I want, but nevermind...)

I like it, diversity amoung like heroes...

(I'm gonna slowly lose my mind now, sound good??
*cackles madly*)
2000-07-06 18:06:34

well, the thing is...
that if I have a choice, I'll NEVER choose a unit specialist. (Except Shakti, but only for the wonderfull name *grin*)

'cause the heroes that specialize in somethin 'general' like a skill or a spell will almost always be stronger, since he is more versitale.

That's why I think there should be more drastic effects for unit specialists.

But on the other hand, I could envision spells doing similar things, rather then sec. skills.
2000-07-06 18:15:40

Why not both?...
I say this game needs to be more dynamic and versatile...
more possibilities, w/o necesarily adding map locations or creatures... etc :ţ

I mean, the gameplay gets to be so contricting once you win w/ single player so many times...(maybe it's jsut htat I figure out all the tricks[but maybe it's just too easy ;ţ(or hard as the case may be :ţ)])

I guess that's why I like MoM so much...
a random map every time, pseudo-random spell selection, etc...
it makes it hard to duplicate a game
*sinks inot thought*

I need a game that breaks the mold
but back to reality(and the subject at hand)...

I said why not both?...
well, what I meant, was that if you diversify the secondary skills enough, and add mastery level info for differeing hero types, you won;t need to worry about expanding the "precious 8"[is that what it's called?] to accomodate more skills, it just means you need to take what you want, like now...
and w/ more places to buy skills(like your schools), it should work out fine...

and one last thought...
maybe heroes w/a specialty could get a matching skill(?)

2000-07-06 18:19:56

what kind of skill do you have in mind?
something new that will enhance the unit, or something existing that will enchance the unit?
2000-07-06 18:24:52

A generic skill that would enhance the unit...
mild stuff at first(A/D then maybe speed), then increasing "special" abilities toward GM(if GM)...
2000-07-06 18:28:45

Would this skill Be for 1 unit only?
or for... say all units of a towntype?

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