Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-08 13:46:04
The Water Castle...
I think a town situated on water would be a nice idea. Here are some creatures I'd propose:
lvl6: Siren - does no damage, sings once per round with a 10% (20%-upg) chance to petrify opponents' armies (can even petrify all)
lvl7: Kraken
And some others: Mermaids, Mermen, Sea Serpents...
Anywayz, please comment and add new ideas.
2000-07-07 22:32:17
Let's see here...
I've been deciding if I should say anything for over a week now...
and I guess my only problem w/ such a town(as in "lord's of magic")[why did I mention that name?? *seriously, can't function for a full 30sec afterwards the game is so bad**mental pain eating at my soul*"nooooooooo!"]
anyway, the problem is that most of the creatures would have a hard time on land... [*still feeling the effects of the 'Bad' created by Impressions*]
there needs to be a skill to compensate for it... *and* there needs to be a skill to compliment it for heroes w/ creatures that can't swim
also, I don;t care so much *what* the creatures are called, but some of the ones in your list(s) are kinda 'cheesey', (not that I can do any better right now)
furthermore, I will only support this "water castle" if you would care to also propose an "air castle" and flight skill...(I figure we got "earth" from the dungeon, so this leaves fire?) so a vocano castle as well(or solar I suppose, it's up to you :ţ[well, not in *my* game, but for the purposes of your sugestion :ţ])
I figure, if you can go down(underground), why not go up as well? and maybe even have multiple levels of tunnels/air... NWC simulated it in the dragon blood campaign, and age of wonders can have 2 levels underground...
just a thought... I've always wanted to support an idea of this nature, it's just so hard ot balance[*fights off another remembrance of a certain game, lest he be consumed forever by madness: cackles*]
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-07-08 13:11:15
Forget it...
I dumped the idea for the reason you mentioned... the critters won't come outta the water. There could be a set of neutral water creatures though.
2000-07-08 17:05:25
I'll just develop it on my own then...
and leave homm w/o :ţ
2000-05-08 13:52:56
Re: The Water Castle...
the siren special seems quite strong. with 5 enemy stacks it'll petrify 1/turn. Thus forcing the enemy to be dispelling all the time.
How many HP are we talking? and cost?
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-08 13:55:58
The Siren would have to be really weak...
in order to balance its ability. Let's say: A:0 D:10 Dam:0 HP:35
and upgrade: d:12 hp:40
What do you think? Any other suggestions as for other levels of the Water town?
2000-05-08 14:06:22
that's weak!
no A and 40HP...
I think it could be 50... provided it's really slow. (the HP, not A)
other units... Water Elem. (if the Flux is still in... I don't see a prob having same critter in two towns)
let's see, more units... I think we could home some kind of seabird.
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-08 14:09:42
Oh yes... and the speed of 1 of course...
other creatures:
lvl1: lvl2: Water Elementals lvl3: lvl4: Mermaid lvl5: Sea Serpent lvl6: Siren lvl7: Kraken
any stats or abilities suggestions for these critterz?
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-08 14:29:04
Alright.. now we have...
lvl1: ??? lvl2: ??? lvl3: Water Elemental A: 8 D: 10 HP: 30 Dam: 3-7 Speed: 5 Cost: 300 Growth: 6 Ice Elemental A: 8 D: 10 HP: 30 Dam: 3-7 Speed: 6 Growth: 6 *ranged attacker* lvl4: Mermaid A: 10 D: 10 HP: 40 Dam: 8-10 Speed: 9 Cost: 500 Growth: 5 *cast Mirth on one unit 3 times per battle* Mermaid Queen A: 12 D: 11 HP: 45 Dam: 8-10 Speed: 10 Cost: 650 Growth: 5 *casts Mass Mirth on start of battle* lvl5: Sea Serpent: A: 16 D: 16 Dam: 15-19 HP: 80 Speed: 3 Cost: 800 Growth: 3 Sea Monster: A: 17 D: 18 Dam: 15-19 HP: 90 Cost: 950 Growth: 3 *binds enemies with weeds* lvl6: Siren A: 0 D: 10 Dam: 0 HP: 40 Cost: 1250 Growth: 2 *20% chance to petrify one unit* Greater Siren A: 0 D: 12 Dam: 0 HP: 50 Cost: 1700 Growth: 2 *20% chance to perify all* Will think about the kraken
2000-05-08 14:40:40
looking good...
How about a lousy low lev units? since the rest of the lineup looks strong. (sea serpent looks too strong)
Fisherman? (I'm thinking peasant with fishing gear)
Fishmen look a bit like lizardmen but have tridents instead.
And what about heroes? all start with Navi
Pirate for might hero Magic? what would be watery enough?
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-08 14:56:12
The revised stats...
The Water Castle: -------------------------------------- LEVEL 1:
??? -------------------------------------- LEVEL 2:
??? -------------------------------------- LEVEL 3:
Water Elemental A: 8 D: 10 HP: 30 Dam: 3-7 Speed: 5 Cost: 300 Growth: 6
Ice Elemental A: 8 D: 10 HP: 30 Dam: 3-7 Speed: 6 Growth: 6 *ranged attacker* -------------------------------------- LEVEL 4:
Mermaid A: 10 D: 10 HP: 40 Dam: 8-10 Speed: 9 Cost: 500 Growth: 5 *cast Mirth on one unit 3 times per battle*
Mermaid Queen A: 12 D: 11 HP: 45 Dam: 8-10 Speed: 10 Cost: 650 Growth: 5 *casts Mass Mirth on start of battle* -------------------------------------- LEVEL 5:
Sea Serpent: A: 13 D: 14 Dam: 15-19 HP: 60 Speed: 3 Cost: 700 Growth: 3 *binds enemies with seaweeds: 10% chance for no retaliation, 20% chance for binding in place for 1 rounds*
Sea Monster: A: 14 D: 16 Dam: 15-19 HP: 70 Cost: 750 Growth: 3 *binds enemies with seaweeds: 20% chance for no retaliation, 40% chance for binding in place for 2 rounds* -------------------------------------- LEVEL 6:
Siren A: 0 D: 10 Dam: 0 HP: 40 Cost: 1250 Growth: 2 *20% chance to petrify one unit*
Greater Siren A: 0 D: 12 Dam: 0 HP: 50 Cost: 1700 Growth: 2 *20% chance to perify all* -------------------------------------- LEVEL 7:
Kraken ???
Awaiting comments and suggestions.
2000-05-09 01:32:24
"*20% chance to perify all*"
that sorta sounds like it petrifys all the units every fifth turn.
So I think we need to clear up how it really works... not upg. will have a 20% chance of petrifying, and if it kicks in it strikes a random critter.
The upg version will have a 20% chance of paralyzing the enemy stacks, one by one. So it can paralyze 1 stack or 5 stacks all depending on luck (not the game-factor).
But how will the screaming work? I think it should be like the Enchanter spellcasting, but it happens every turn. And an infinite amount of times.
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-09 12:40:42
no attack and 20% chance to petrify all nme's units per turn. She doesn't move and has a speed of 0. That would balance her ability I guess.
As for Pirates, I thought about a whole town being underwater but I'm sure that one part can be above water while another would be submerged.
So, we can have Fishermen (crappy) as lvl1 and ... I dunno... Pirate for lvl2?
2000-05-09 12:52:06
0 speed and no attack?
that would be new :)
and no retal either?
And as for the underwater theme... is that so good? I mean the monsters will have to surface to make battle with others. But I suppose it could be partly under water...
What about town placement? will it be on shorelines (attackable from land) or on open water (boat attack) or possibly both? and will it be able to se on solid ground?
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-09 13:01:38
New doesn't mean bad ;) ...
I think the town should be completely on water (It'd look crappy on shores) and never situated on ground.
Starting might hero would be, of course a Pirate - starts with Navigation and 3 1 1 1.
2000-05-09 13:13:20
start with Navi... should have decent chances of getting... Offense and W Magic. probably Artillery and Archery too.
And Primary development should concentrate a lot on offense in the beginning.
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-09 13:30:26
We forgot about a "tiny" detail...
A RANGED ATTACKER! Siren would be some kind of a ranged attacker *but* what would she shoot out of the towers? Besides, she wouldn't be affected by the archery skill. Any ideas for a ranged attacker?
Pirate should start with Navigation and have say... a 8/10 chance to get offense.
As for a magic hero, it should start with Wisdom and a skill (not Water Magic - too unbalancing). It should have a 5/10 chance to get Water Magic. 5/10 is the highest chance for any hero getting a magic skill in HoMM3 (Wizard - Air Magic, Necromancer - Earth Magic, Heretic - Fire Magic)
2000-05-09 22:18:00
ranged units...
we have the Ice Elem as the only one. wich makes this water town one of a kind.
But where can we add another ranged one? Another upg.? If we would remove the Fisherman as lvl1 and use the Lizardman as lvl1. They have Tridents and use them to poke their enemies, and the upg. hurls the Trident at it's enemy.
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-10 13:04:47
I talked about this idea on the comm last night...
And some people asked why would these creatures come from under water to dry land to fight? I'm wondering about that too... and while Water Elementals can come on land (they can be summoned), the Mermaid crawling on the desert sound silly. What do you think?
Still, it would be cool if there were creatures that can't be placed nowhere besides water and never come out of it.
2000-05-10 13:21:27
comm dwellers have a point...
but I suppose if the surface dwellers threatened the water people and they saw offense as the best defense?
And the water mosters would be cool :) Imagine a event on water where you ship gets attacked by a giant squid (or kraken) and your units form the stanard ambush circle in the middle. But insted of enemy units they would have to fight x ammount of tentacles.