Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-10 13:53:33
kraken is a giant squid
I still think a mermaid or a siren or especially a kraken would NOT be good for landfights. The comm dwellers are right in this matter.
We could create something like a water nation instead, not associated with a town but fighting ONLY on water.
2000-05-10 14:05:47
what about the Regnan Pirates?
I haven't played any M&Ms; so I don't quite know what applies...
but I suppose we could have an entire piratish water town with mosters on the higher levs.
And I think a small kraken is like a qiant squid.
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-10 14:11:18
Haven't played any M&Ms as well...
and I only know Regnan Pirates from the AB Foolhardy Waywardness campaign.
And why would Pirates come out on land?
2000-05-10 14:17:45
Pillage, plunder and rape I suppose
I mean why is enybody fighting at all?
Do murderous pirates really need a reason?
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-10 14:20:32
Yep, but pirates usually pillage ships....
I'm not sure about this idea. I would rather have my attention on creating a water nation instead of a water town.
A pirate town would have to be on shores and that would limit it some.
2000-05-09 08:14:28
Good god man...
... if you're going to have a water town, you need PIRATES! It'd be a good way to bring back some of that good old cheese that MM was once good for... a guy with a peg leg, parrot on his shoulder, eyepatch, huge hat, and scimitar type sword. That'd make a decent level 2 unit (or level one for that matter.)
Give 'em a bonus when attacking from a ship or something. Other than that, it's been so long since I've looked at unit stats that I couldn't possibly come up with balanced ones for the other abilities.
2000-05-09 11:23:20
Native terrain = water.
with all the effects that brings.
But as you can see Landis, I did propose Pirates as the Might hero type. (they should start with Navi, or maybe Offense?)
and we still need a Magic hero, I think water magic as starting skill would be fitting.
2000-05-08 14:14:43
speed 1 :)
that'll do :)
W Ele -> Ice Ele (ranged) Mermaid Queen (the upg), cast mirth 3 times/battle Siren, chance of not being retaliated against
And I'm not really familiar with the myth of the kraken so can't help you there.