Behemoth's Lair

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Lady Midnight
2000-05-12 18:14:54

*laughs at the General*
Oh dear, I am not giving orders. I am simply asking what B or Chan think of your penance so far. *grins*

I mearly got a chuckle out of the ant comment. It is up to B and Chan to decide your fate.

Although I must confess to enjoying hearing your penance. We all have to do penance at one time or another. Hopefully yours will end soon.
Lady Midnight
2000-04-24 18:26:53

*steps into the in and removes her cloak..
...goes over and gives Behemoth a hug* What a wonderful welcome Behemoth, and what a nice site. I like the color scheme.

*laughs as she notices Landis inspecting the place*

*Greets Aurora, Chan, Maxym, Landis, the General, and CJ. She then proceeds to get some ale from the barkeep*
2000-04-27 21:20:41

*Waves to the Lady Midnight*
Nice to see a familiar face:)
But why do women always paraise a color scheme of a home?
Is it genetic? ;)
2000-04-28 03:20:37

*helps himself to the ale*
Not too bad.

Nice place you got here Beh.
2000-04-23 20:28:54

Re: Welcome one and all!
Well, well, well
Look at this place, who would have thought behemoths live so well:)
Hiya Beh here i am
is Chan "working" for you?
if so does it mean i am the 1st one to visit this board?
Mistress Aurora
2000-04-23 20:35:14

Ah! What is this?
I barly click back to the screen before you've spoken in response! My oh my...

Wine would be lovely thank you. Merlot if you please.
2000-04-23 21:24:28

*Shuffles in*
*Kicks some table legs*

*Knocks on the bar*

*Examines the wall mounts*

*Inspects for lead paint*

*Most importantly, subjects the barkeep to abuse*

Hmm.. *Makes notes on clipboard*

Nice little cave ya got here Behemoth. Them damn forums at the bottom make me wish I knew polish. *Grin* Hmm.. I'll have to yell at my old man sometime, he knows a *TINY* little bit from his air force days when he learned russian, had a polish buddy (as in a guy actually from Poland) who taught him to swear a bit, if nothing else. ;O)
2000-04-27 21:16:42

Re: *Shuffles in*
Landis, have you never been invited to other people's places before? You don't just come in and start kicking furniture around, even in a cave;)
Good to see you here:)
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-04-24 13:04:30

Greetz Max, Landis...
Nice to see ya here.

Maxym knows Polish pretty well, Landis, I *swear* ;)
General Plastro
2000-04-24 14:36:40

*an unlikely arrival steps in*
nice place...and in fact the first time i've visited one.

guess i fit right in...if this is a place for killers. :evil

-The General

Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-04-25 13:36:21

Greetings Plastro, Loki, CJ...
Nice to see you here.

As for the 3 "bottom" forums, they're in Polish. They're my website's forums.
Mistress Aurora
2000-04-25 18:08:45

I know....six words. I'm not seeing them down there, a shame. Then I'd know what you all were talking about ; )

Of course..."my name is _______" and "I love you" really don't slip into conversation much do they. Thought not.
Cool Jerk98
2000-04-24 16:26:17

I saw, I came, I linked...
And I find the Behemoth speaks in tongues too. What language is that pray tell? You multi-language fool you.
Chandler the Witch
2000-04-23 19:56:48

*wraps soft feminine arms around the Beast's neck*
*kisses him affectionately*

Excellent board love!

I love the colors and I simply adore the host!

Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-04-23 20:04:21

*revels in a warm gooey feeling*
I'm glad you like it :)

And I adore the hostess... LOL
Mistress Aurora
2000-04-23 20:13:16

Far be it for me to decline an invitation...
and such a curteous one it was at that. Lovely choice of rather reminds me of the jungle you know. Greetings to you!
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-04-23 20:17:06

Greetings Aurora!
Nice of you to drop in. Glad you like the place.

*pours a glass of wine for the ladies*
Lady Midnight
2000-05-12 02:08:51

The ant crawling up you leg is nice. *LOL* Oh you kill me General,

*turns so Chan and Behemoth*
I don't know, Chan, B, what do you think? Do you think comments about ants counts towards his penance?

*looks at the General*

Well you still have more to go, so spill it. *grins*

General Plastro
2000-05-12 17:56:32

Wait a second...
...why are you the one giving orders? Shouldn't Chan or Beh be here to oversee my penance?

*twiddles his thumbs as he waits for their arrival*
-The General
Lady Midnight
2000-05-10 14:45:57

*looks at the General and grins*
Well, I guess what they say about confession being good for the soul, must be right *chuckles*

Well General, would you care to confess anymore?


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