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Amyrlin the Wizard
2000-09-17 13:38:35

Hello, Beh :)
Hello, everyone :)

Beh, would you be so kind to make me a "Mad Dog"?

Lady Midnight
2000-09-18 03:45:30

Welcome Amyrlin. :)

Beh has a very nice place here, so I hope you visit often.

I am Lady Midnight, the resident weapons designer here. *grins* It's very nice to meet you. If you need any weapons decorated with designs please let me know.
Amyrlin the Wizard
2000-09-18 07:17:53

Thank you, Lady Midnight :)
As I said it's nice to meet you all :)

I guess being a weapon designer is an interesting job, is it? :)
Lady Siuan
2000-09-18 10:53:08

Oh, Amy!
U drank it... Jesus! *Almost shouting Shaita*..* LoL!
Amyrlin the Wizard
2000-09-18 12:09:48

Yes, I did :)

It's a ... well... experience I can't explain with words.

You should try it too ;)
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-09-18 12:46:24


That must've been a traumatising experience. Even I don't dare to drink Tabasco alone (w/o drink).
Amyrlin the Wizard
2000-09-18 13:11:18

So even you haven't tried it like that?

Am I the first one to do it?

Well, today I can think better that last night and I think it was worth it :)
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-09-18 13:30:01

Well... I can drink it virtually too :) ...
but haven't tried it... YET! :)
2000-09-19 10:48:35

Have you ever
tasted that shit in real life? It has the NASTIEST flavor!!! It wasn't too just tasted so bad I had to spit it out!!!
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-09-19 12:16:40

I did taste it...
...and it has quite a good flavor, IMO. However you can't qualify my opinion as objective, since I really like everything that's spicy.
2000-09-21 09:00:28

IMO, it's not really spicy, just *hot* in a way. But I cannot STAND the flavor! I like spicy things too...but NOT that.
Lady Siuan
2000-09-21 11:54:05

U R nuts, honey...
even *thinking* of trying it is nuts... But it's all sort of stuff I can expect from U! :-P

And Beh, don't torture my friend like this. ;) I'm not gentle as her. ;)

AND if U want to spit it, Ryv... here, U'll be lucky if U CAN spit it. I think my throat will just be paralyzed. Like drinking codeine.
Lady Siuan
2000-09-17 13:49:01

This pretty sounds like
Mad Dove, Amy! LoL!!

Anyway, enjoy your sips. I'm so happy to see you here, Amy! :) :) :)

I have to go now! :( Bye!
Amyrlin the Wizard
2000-09-17 13:56:52

...well, you know I can be preety mad ;)
Why do you have to go?
Well, anyway, see you tomorrow :)
Bye, dear :)
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-09-17 14:19:43

*disappears behind a bar...*
*...and comes back with a glass filled with a multi-colored drink*

Here you go, Amy! Be sure to drink it all at once or you will suffer an unearthy torment :)
Amyrlin the Wizard
2000-09-17 14:40:09

Thanks :)
Did you put 25 drops of tabasco?

Then I guess I really have to drink it on one shot :)
But you said I gotta try it and I'm always up to try a new cocktail :)

*drinks it and becomes all red*

Can't say anything more. I'm speechless!
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-09-17 14:45:47

No, just 5...
...that's the "normal" dosage :) I tend to spice up my life, so I usually pour at least 20 drops of the burning liquid :)
Amyrlin the Wizard
2000-09-17 14:53:00

Hmmm... seemed spicy to me with only 5 drops and I just don't wanna imagine how it would taste with 25.

Pretty spice should your life be ;)
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-09-17 14:56:17

How about a little experiment... drink 5 drops of tabasco from a glass and compare your experiences *wicked grin*
Amyrlin the Wizard
2000-09-17 15:05:35

You mean...
...trying to drink only tabasco? Without anything else?

I'm not sure if I'm up to this experiment but ... *thinks a bit*... why not? I can try. Or should I? :)

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