Behemoth's Lair

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Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-09-17 15:06:50

*brings several gallons of cold water to the inn*
Sure, go ahead, try it! *grin*
Amyrlin the Wizard
2000-09-17 15:16:58

Oh, my...
*drinks the 5 drops and starts jumping around*

Where's the water? Please, bring it closer!!!
Or should I take a Fanta? (have you seen this publicity with the chilli stakes and the fanta bottles? :) )

*in a few minutes...*
huh, why do people need bunji jumping when they can try this? ;)
2000-09-17 18:42:15

Nice to meet you, Amyrlin.
Amyrlin the Wizard
2000-09-18 07:12:45

Hello, Ryv :)
The pleasure is mine :)

Siuan has told me so much about you and the others here that I'm really glad to meet you all :)

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