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Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-08-30 12:23:41

Wieści o HoMM4!!! ...

W brytyjskim czasopiśmie PC Gameplay zamieszczono parę informacji o HoMM4. Wysyłam tu w wersji angielskiej, a dziś albo jutro w Jaskini po polsku:

Global's roving reporter visited New World Computing in Los Angeles this month, primarily to investigate Legends of Might and Magic but also to quiz the team about its forthcoming turn-based strategy title, Heroes of Might and Magic 4.

the HOMM series is well-loved by strategists, wargamers and RPG buffs alike, having made no small contribution to this adventure-loving company's eight-million worldwide software sales over the past decade (that's individual units, not dollars!)

The biggest news is that Heroes 4 is going isometric-3D, and that the new game will begin with the destruction of the old world! The Heroes team is adament this decision was not makde because of pressure from popular games such as Microsoft's Age of Empires - although they admit to being bug fans of that title's wargaming tactics- but instead because they felt it would give them a more detailed world to realise the next chapter of the story in.

Gus Smedstad is the lead programmer on the team. He tol GLOBAL: "We looked closely at Heroes 3 and realised there were some things to improve. Strong heroes became very similar, and some creatures in some towns weren't distinctive enough. The new game will have more distinctive characters and they will be more personality driven.

"Also we looked at fan comments on the web. They didn't like some of the spells - some were too powerful. Also, many thought there was not enough differentiation between spells. We also received lots of advice about how to develop character skills. We wanted to take onboard all of these comments and act on them. It was a tall order but we are optimistic that the new game will go down well."

The new graphics engine will provide super, high resolution detail zoomed in close on battle scene, and expect to find impressive monster models, alongside improved textures and renders.

Due Spring 2001.

2000-08-30 19:16:44

Re: Wieści o HoMM4!!! ...
Isometric 3D?!?! NIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Co im się nie podoba w grafice 2D? Chcą nam spaprać Heroes'a!
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-08-31 09:33:44

No niestety...
też jestem za 2D... niech robią co chcą z polem walki, ale niech zostawią mapę w spokoju...
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-08-30 13:47:01

Newsflash ;) ...
NWC nie potwierdza daty wydania wiosną 2001 :(

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