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2000-08-10 13:25:50

No. 5 - Even more music...


(I'll add some info in a bit, start downloading while you wait)
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-08-12 14:45:02

Your bit is up *grin* ...
I have downloaded "One Nation". It's a nice trance track, but nothing that would make me listen to it constantly. I'll give it few more listens though.
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-08-31 15:21:36

"Heartbeat" is GREAT!!!
I really like it! Too bad the quality isn't too good :(
2000-09-03 03:09:22

Re: "Heartbeat" is GREAT!!!
I know :)

and 128 isn't that bad... it's the most I could get out of the CD I ripped it from.
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-09-03 03:21:17

Depends on what speakers you use... comp speakers. I use my hi-fi so I "hear" most of the 128's :(

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