Behemoth's Lair

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Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-09-28 12:49:06

Ok, so what about Fortress...
What do you think... is it a good town or a bad town?

Note: trick q.
2000-10-05 03:50:01

Re: Ok, so what about Fortress...
It's better to wait another day and build sepent flies and gorgon's lair then. Gorgons are excelent for blocking lizards and when u lucky, the tent. Lizards aren't lousy anymore, since the 1.3 patch. They even win in a direct fight with marksmen. The most important troops from fortress (hydras & gorgons) are quite slow, but u have dragon flies and wyvers to block archers until other units can attack. Even when not, because of the defence and armorer skill, u won't do much harm to beastmaster units.
And finnaly show me a battle, i'm thinking about a "final" battle, when there will be no use of hydras multiattack.
The beastmaster is able to learn only spells up to third level, but the wyverns, bazilisks and flies will make opponents life as spellcaster diffiult.
The beastmaster has the top - making - gamage units in game: hydras and gorgons(death stare). And it's make him so powerfull...
Lady Siuan
2000-10-06 11:10:30

I think the Titans R the best 7th class creature
the Archangels too because of their ability to ressurect.

I'm in love with the Tower now. If U know how to use it with the Wizards, it's really death itself!
2000-10-02 05:48:08

Re: Ok, so what about Fortress...
It may sound strange, but Fortress is my favorite and in my opinion the best town. U just have to know how to play this town - u have to be a beastmaster. If u wanna know my tactics for playing foretress - let my know.
2000-10-02 10:27:29

do tell...
(and start a new thread about it).

The Fortress is harder to play than the average town, I'm sure everyone agrees with that.
But with proper spell usage, it can be a contender.
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-10-03 12:27:09

*LOL* I got outsmarted... my own question... with a little help from Belt too :P

And about Fortress, I asked the question, cos there are lots of weenies fucking around in the net, saying Fortress sucks... I have a different opinion. Even though it's a bit hard to play that town, once you get to know its advantages and use them right, Fortress becomes a very powerful fraction.

Some advantages:
- Mighty Gorgons (need I say more?)
- Wyverns in week 1... if you have enough wood you can build the Wyvern nest in the first days of the map.
- D-flies... with SoD, they not only dispel beneficial spells, but cast weakness. And they are fast, wondeful for blocking archers.
- Chaos Hydras... just teleport them inside the castle in siege...
- Basilisks - powerful for lvl4.
- Lizard Warriors... well they are crap, I admit.
- Gnolls... quite good and cheap for lvl1.
2000-10-03 14:15:05

Well... what I think is wrong with the Fortress, is the weak early game.

(and this is all in my experience)
Yes, Wyverns are good. you get 2 of them week 1.

However that's not enough to balance the lousy lizzys and sub-standard gnolls.

The thing is, you have nothing that can back up your Wyrms in any decent maner, and you can't destroy half the enemy with you ranged unit. This leads to the fact that unless you are lucky (First aid tent hels mor than 1 point round, you have a decent Heal) , you'll loose both those Wyrms halfway thru week one. And then you're sitting there with practically nothing, waiting for week 2.

Lady Siuan
2000-10-04 13:31:44

There's one thing I love about the Fortress...
the Mighy Gorgons. Have an army of 50 and have fun. IMHO the Hydras R weak for 7th class creatures. I personally prefer the Archangels, the Titans and of course my favourite- the Gold Dragons. The Basilisks R weak too compared to creature from the other towns. But the Gorgons... I just love them!

However, I do agree that a good stategy on the proper map can make the Fortress a mighty town.

So, what's your favourite type of town? I personally arrange my perferances like this: Rampart/ Necropolis (depending on the enemies and the map)-> Tower/ Castle-> Fortess-> Stronghold-> Dungeon-> Inferno. MY combo, of course. What about yours?
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-10-04 13:48:13

And where are Behemoths in your lvl7 ranks? ...
They are best lvl7 IMO (and no, it's not cos of my nickname)
Lady Siuan
2000-09-30 12:21:24

I thought this was a question about personal
opinion. I myself don't like the Fortress as a type of town. This is what I thought the Q is.
2000-09-30 12:24:41

"Note: trick q."
says it all :)
Lady Siuan
2000-09-29 13:26:07

I personally put the F in my latter choices. Generally the creatures are weak, I mean weaker than in the rest town. They have *one* type of creature that I love... the Mighty Gorgon.

My new fashion is the Rampart. Mass killer, IHMO.
2000-09-29 14:11:44

the correct answer is:

Fortress, a neutral town.

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