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Behemoth the Barbarian
2002-01-03 15:49:27

From this day on this forum will be used to discuss the Might and Magic Arena. This is the place where the tourney creators themselves will answer every question players might ask.
2002-01-03 18:29:55

Wow first of all These map's are GOOD!!!
really enjoy playing them!!!!

(But my bad morale and luck kills me ;) )

So I kind miss Hourglass of evil Hour and Spirit of Oppression
2002-01-04 03:36:05

Okay, I have a question
What version of the game is needed to participate?
2002-01-04 05:07:02

Re: Okay, I have a question
Shadow of Death or compatible, like Heroes Complete.

2002-01-04 05:11:50

Re: Okay, I have a question
and all rules needed you should find here:
[correction: the rules are avaiable here:]

I modified Guinea's translation a bit and I'm not sure if jOjO placed the update in our Arena. -Beh
2002-01-04 09:46:57

Oh drat
I only have up to AB.

2002-01-04 10:58:55

Don't worry
With RoE or AB you can participate in the Might Tournament. Check this link:
Behemoth the Barbarian
2002-01-04 11:27:37

Re: Don't worry
Have you considered getting SoD, Belt?
2002-01-04 12:31:35

Yes, considered it...
But I didn't want to pay full price for it when it came out (No thanks, I have most of that allready).

And now, with H4 hopefully only three months away I think it's too late... if 4 is as good as I hope then I might have trouble concentrating on my studies, so now I'm probably better of putting all my time into schoolwork.
Behemoth the Barbarian
2002-01-04 13:08:07

Now that's longterm planning. My plan for the nearest future is to survive the exam session. *grins* Though I do realise that if I do, the 2nd semester might be a bit tougher with H4 around.

Is there no way of getting a pirate SoD?
2002-01-05 01:09:00

Yup, gotta plan ahead...
and since my last semester is coming up now I'll need to spend some time with studies if I want good marks. And there'll be all the parties to attend to as well.

And yes, I could get SoD pirated. But I usually don't pirate quality games, perhaps SoD could be an exception due to the fact that I already own most of what's in it. But as I said, now there's the time factor as well. And by now I'm sure that with a bit of searching I could find a used copy of SoD or a new one from a bargain bin for a handfull of Euros.
2002-01-05 02:34:43

Luck and Morale
Well Im Fighting against Castle heroes.... (Whit my Tower Hero)
I got exp. luck and Leadership.... +3....

Castle got neutral Morale.... But still got TWICE as much morale bonus as I got :( (((((

oh I don't like that.... urgh!!!!!!
2002-01-05 04:34:49

That's the thing about random, you never know...
And even without any extra modifiers a full castle army should have +2 Morale, 1 for being all from the same town and another one granted by the Arch Angels.
Behemoth the Barbarian
2002-01-05 06:50:21

Re: That's the thing about random, you never know...
AND +1 for the native terrain, which makes their bonus equal to your bonus.
2002-01-05 15:58:35

Re: That's the thing about random, you never know...
okey then I understand..... ;)
jOjO dwarf
2002-01-06 14:21:50

for kind words about our work ;)
2002-01-06 17:32:34

Can you leave some of your "troops" whit your Squire in the Squire's Army for your last battle whit your main Hero???
(Battle4) ???

2002-01-06 23:31:29

Minor bug (I quess)
In The New Tournament's txt file.....
(I was fighting against Conflux whit my Tower Hero)
In the second fight I suppose to fight against an Elementalist whit expert Earth so I went trough water gate.... and wow
first he cast Mass Prayer....
And I got Stunned..... ;)

I did start over again and got another path from the beginning

I quess this is an minor bug so don't bother to much

I like these Battle's alot
Great job!!!! Keep up that Great Work!!!
(I looked at JJ Post wow he must be an great warrior!!!!)

So much knowlegde about this game!!!
I quess you can call him a "LORD"

(I have read a lot of his writing.... (on mmportals) and on the 3DO board..... I think he sould join your "forces" an make an H4 tournamet!!!! ;)
2002-01-07 01:31:51

It sometimes happens. The levels of skills in the Description aren't always accurate, but sometimes you can use it to your advantage (very rarely, but AI is sometimes so dumb), for example RamDUN, when AI casted Mass Haste (I expected only Advanced Air) and moved Scorpicores and Minotaurs forward, and I casted Mass Slow and destroyed rest of AI's troops before they went back because AI instead of casting Mass Haste again summomed some elementals ;)
2002-01-07 16:08:17

To Rastlin....
Hi Rastlin.... just a "little" Question..... well these saved game files seems to be BIG!!!
so how do you handle all these mail's ( I quess you got work all up over your head!!!) ;)

I sent 10 mails so far and the biggest has an att. (zip file over 1Mb).... the other one's around 500-800Kb

So if these tourney is so popular as I hope it is then you got plenty of work to do! ;)

(But I quess you got a good connection to the "net")

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