Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-08 14:16:18
Chanting heroes...
Chants should be created in order to balance the lower magic abilities of the might heroes. They are not ment to replace the magic system and they are not ment to be like the magic system. They should be something totally different.
1) Bard's Guild: a building where a hero can learn chants
2) One chant can be sung in a battle and the effect lasts throughout all of the battle.
3) A hero can learn a certain (small) amount of chants. Every class would have different ones.
4) A secondary skill for chanting:
*there should be an explanation included here: the Grandmaster level of skill proficiency is obviously higher than expert and can be acchieved by only some classes (like GM Wisdom for Wizards, Warlocks etc.) This idea was brought to the community from the Quill*
Chanting or bard.
Well, assuming we get "grand master" levels, and knights won't get GM wisdom (req for top spells) only a person with bard skill could chant
chances for heroes to learn the "Bard/Chant" skill and the maximum level the class can advance to:
: : : : Knight: 10/10 GM : : : : Cleric: 5 EXP : : : : Ranger: 5 EXP : : : : Druid: 8 GM : : : : Alchemist: 2 ADV : : : : Wizard: 0 : : : : Demoniac: 1 ADV : : : : Heretic: 0 : : : : Death Knight: 2 ADV : : : : Necromancer: 0 : : : : Overlord: 6 EXP : : : : Warlock: 0 : : : : Beastmaster: 5 EXP : : : : Witch: 5 EXP : : : : Barbarian: 7 GM : : : : Battle Mage: 7 GM
Mage Guild in Castle, Rampart, Fortress, Stronghold dumped to lvl 3 or 4
Well, what do you think? .. now that I gathered it all into 1 piece...
2000-06-27 20:16:24
Your welcome...
this is like the first time I've seen intelligent discussion about homm(seriously :ţ)...
here's the D2 preview at gamespot if you're interested, I suppose they've[Blizzard] been checking here to see what else they can steal ;ţ
honestly though, it is a good idea, it just needs *much* development, so as not to interfere w/ the magic system... it could probably help to separate might from magic once and for all ;ţ (and honestly, I think you should[could] steal "battlecry" from blizzard[w/o many problems], it sounds better)
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-06-27 20:35:29
Thanks! ...
We've been talking much about the future of HoMM with Beltion: sometimes on the community, sometimes on the old boards but the threads always went down the boards and our ideas with them. Here, we can "stockpile" our ideas and discuss them anytime we want to.
I'll check out the site. I've been meaning to look into Diablo this summer, since everybody has sorta freaked about it
And, as you said, the main purpose of the chants was to separate might from magic.
2000-06-28 09:07:45
um Beh...
"We've been talking much about the future of HoMM with Beltion"
You turning schizo on us?
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-06-28 20:11:57
2000-06-26 20:43:38
Interesting indeed...
but I'm thinking that duration should be directly dependent upon skill, or some stat, or whatever... the whole battle is kind of a long time to have one last at low levels(not to mention unbalancing given the random nature of the game :ţ)
and skill level restrictions(*not* refering to mastery[B,A,E]), are always a bad idea, unless based directly upon hero level :ţ
am I confusing you as much as I am confusing me??... good :ţ
btw, I've done *much* thinking on the purposes of this bored[sorry, *board*, force of habit :ţ], as I plan on making a "knockoff"... but, I doubt you would recognize it as homm if I had it done today ;ţ
btw2: your chants seem very similar to what I've heard of the barbarian class "battlecrys" in D2 (but hey, I do that too[obviously]):ţ
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-06-26 21:56:47
It could depend on something...
but the main purpose was to have it different than the magic system.
As for "battlecrys", haven't heard of them. Don't play Diablo at all (although, I *plan* to... for months )
BTW Thanks for resurrecting our topics, DumB
2000-06-27 12:03:15
Blizzard stole our ideas!
2000-05-08 14:22:57
looks better now...
But I'm still of the oppinion that no class should be left to Advanced in some skill. either no chance of getting it at all, or up to Exp or GM.
Otherwise, not really much I can add. I think we need an 'outsiders' thoughts now.
So all you lurkers! post!
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-08 14:30:33
Yes, advanced restriction is not a good idea...
I was thinking about that while posting. Still, would like to see some outsider opinions as well.