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2000-05-09 23:54:12

I'd like the units in the Castle towers in H4 be a bit different.

If there are 2 (or more) ranged units in the town, the better one is in the Keep and the lesser ones are in the towers.

i.e Archers in the towers and a monk in the keep for Castle.
and Gremlins in the towers for Tower and a mage in the Keep (titans would look silly)

When the town isn't upg. enough to have the two towers. the lesser unit appears in the keep.
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-10 12:58:56

What would you do with Inferno, Necropolis, Rampart and Fortress?

I'd rather have the possibility to place ranged attackers in the towers myself. Of course there would be an ability to harm them. In other case it'd have no sense.
2000-05-10 13:27:08

the others would be unafected.
it's mostly for artistic purpouses.

And special towers to protect ranged units would be cool.
I'm thinking Might oriented tows would get them. And they would shield from 50% of the ranged damage received and make melee attacks much harder.
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-10 13:46:36

Let's say a unit wanting to attack...
an archer in a tower would have to climb there losing 1 turn (like a moat) and having a chance to fall and hurt itself.
2000-05-10 13:58:48

Fall and hurt itself, LOL
but let's say only one unit at a time can attack the "fortified" unit. and it will have to stand in a hampered postion (-2 to A and D) it'll loose one turn getting into position.

And these forifications can be destoyed with the Catapult and Earthquake spell. But the unit inside doesn't take any damage of it (perhaps looses a turn?)
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-10 14:02:53

Maybe falls into the castle and hurts itself ;) ..
and loses a turn?
2000-05-10 14:08:23

Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-10 14:14:04

Any other ideas? ...
like what would the enemy have to do to harm a creature in the keep? After all, placing a stack of Titans there would give an enormous advantage.
2000-05-10 14:21:11

well, with the new battle engine
Titans will be HUGE, so they simply won't fit into the tower.
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-10 14:23:32

what about Cyclopes...
they're strong ranged attackers as well, or Liches... It would be kinda hard for an enemy to reach the keep and therefore any stack placed there would be well protected. Maybe limit a level of the army residing in the keep, or limit the numbers, or HP?
2000-05-10 14:29:33

what about cyclopes?
The stronghold lacks a moat, I don't think it would be that much of an unbalance.

And as for liches... the death cloud is disabled if they enter (like in normal turrets)
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-10 14:33:32

I think it should be balanced...
in some other way. BTW How do you get to the keep?
2000-05-10 14:43:14

get to it?
walk up to it I suppose.

Right now I'm thinking that you can put a stack in the main bulding. If you do, the archer upthere vanishes and get's replaced by your stack.

2000-06-26 21:00:08

Oh, wow, you two really get into this :ţ...
I just have a couple of sugestions though...
you ahve the ranged units lose a *percentage* of their *total* A/D...
*and*, they can still be hit by enemy ranged units, w/ a special case on the cyclops who would damage both them, and the turret...

another thing, the lich "cloud" ability shouldn't be negated if the unit is stationed in the middle(ie, highest) turret...

and finally, delaing w/ the middle turret, it takes a turn and a half to get there, meaning that you lose the current turn, and then the unit must automatically "wait" until the rest of the army takes their turns before getting to attack(at the *end* of the next turn)

makes sense to me(!) :ţ

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