Behemoth's Lair

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Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-08-12 13:25:42

Would you like the HoMM2 main screen to return?
I like it waaaay more than the current (HoMM3) one.
2000-08-13 18:34:02

What's the difference again??...
besides the resolution? ;ţ
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-08-24 15:09:06

I like the theme...
HoMM2 had a theme while HoMM3 just has buttons.
2000-08-25 16:03:00

You mean the good/evil?
I hardly noticed the omission :ţ
(why) isn't there a vote for apathy in the matter??
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-08-25 17:12:14

I mean the screen with "New Game", "Load Game" etc.
Grim Squeaker
2000-08-28 03:10:20

Decides to say something...
... he might regret later on*

Hehheh, I can see why DumB calls himself that...
2000-08-28 17:49:18

as if there was any doubt(!) :ţ

and Beh, it's calle dthe *menu* screen(or main menu)... "main" implies *during* gameplay :ţ

my opinion on the matter is that it was good *then*, but a return to it after the alteration[which was actually a return to H1] just wouldn't seem right, no matter how much "better" it is...
things just don't work that way(it's a temporal consistency thing)

maybe if *all* the 'controls' were reworked in a similar fashion though(*begins comtemplation*)
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-08-31 15:25:31

I don't mean the exactly same *menu* screen...
...should return but I liked the theme and I'd like to see something along the lines of the HoMM2 *menu* screen in HoMM4.
2000-09-01 16:52:28

I meant what you meant...
life doesn't work that way :ţ
Grim Squeaker
2000-08-25 04:45:51

I knew I had a good reason...
... to vote yes...

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