Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-28 10:18:15
Re: You're right Beh..
It's a good way to make friends anywhere
Cool Jerk98
2000-05-28 10:20:54
Everybody Dance!
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-28 10:26:31
Re: Everybody Dance!
Ugachaka... LOL!
2000-05-28 10:20:36
everywhere where they speak German :)
Canja, por favor!
2000-05-28 09:57:53
Well, in Germany...
Nobody asked for age. :)
neither did they in Italy.
so in that sense, those countries are better than Finland.
And I only need IBUPROFEN when I mix alcohol. If I stick to one sort the entire time, I'll be ok the next morning.
*Finnishes the last of the scotch that BM brough*
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-28 10:05:11
Re: Well, in Germany...
I'm sure there's no country in the world in which someone would ask for your age when you say "40 cans of ale, please"
Lady Midnight
2000-05-28 09:47:07
*gets a glass of bubbly..
champagne, and hands everyone else a glass as well*
A toast to B
May your days be filled with sunshine and your troubles in life be few May your nights be full of passion with a special lady for you May you get all that you desire and have all your wishes come true
Happy Birthday B
*raises her glass*
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-28 10:01:26
Re: *gets a glass of bubbly..
Thanks Lady M!
*drinks the champagne*
You're the bubbly best!
Lady Midnight
2000-05-28 09:22:56
Oh, sorry to hear...
about your computer problems B. I can relate to that.
Glad to hear you won't let it spoil your celabration though. :)
*cranks up the stereo and starts to dance around*
Everybody party. hehe
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-28 09:25:57
It feels like being one year older...
than when I was 17
*Starts his devastation dance *
Thanks for the music, Lady M. I guess you'd like some bubbly champagne?
2000-05-28 09:28:12
Well... how did 17 feel like?
I'm still 4 months away.
General Plastro
2000-05-28 10:03:10
17? Not much different....
...but then I've ceased being 16 for less than a week.
*wonders if his 18th will be as celebrated* -The General
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-28 10:11:51
Greetings Plastro...
I'm.. ahem... glad to see you
*tries not to think about melting*
2000-05-28 09:43:01
*Grabs hold of his nose tightly
Wo hold on there buddy let me get off first
*sees the sack of presents go flying*
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-28 09:31:56
Just another year added to the count...
but finally I don't have to resort to mischevious trickiness to buy beer
Rex Mundi the Warlock
2000-05-28 09:10:06
Witaj and Happy Birthday
sorry I can't stick around for the big party but My wife is dragging me off to her relatives house..
Have a great time and I'm sure your party will be a great success..
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-28 09:14:20
Greetings all!
Glas to see you here! Thanks for coming! I'm having some serious comp problems causing the dumb machine to hang every 5 minutes but I won't let it ruin my party.
*rolls in some more barrels*
Loki Hedengang
2000-05-28 09:32:09
Congratulations Behemoth......
*hands him a bottle of champagne with a ribbon tied around it*... Had you lived here in DK you would most likely have gone to a Club tonight and there you would have gotten a free bottle of champagne because you turn 18.. so since you can't go to one of the clubs here in DK I brought it for you....
Happy Birthday Behemoth May you live a long and happy life
*starts to sing*
For he's a jolly good fellow.. For he's a jolly good fellow.. For he's a jolly good fellow.. And so say all of us!
2000-05-28 09:40:19
sounds good :)
not that I'm in to beer that much.
And in Finland they are considering lowering the legal age to 16, but by the time the proposal goes trough I'll be 18. Just my luck.
So... *starts waiting for cake*
Behemoth the Barbarian Warrior
2000-05-28 09:46:38
I believe the "legal age" is 16...
in Germany.
Not into beer? What about your IBUPROFEN adventures?