Behemoth's Lair
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Gill Posse
2000-06-23 16:41:58
Re: I'm here to pay my respects....
I concur...Behemoth you have done a fabulous job on Chan's board not too mention making yours quite awesome too!
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-06-23 17:17:50
I have to design boards more often ;) ...
It really helps my board traffic
Gill Posse
2000-06-23 17:19:49
If you design and promote it...they will come!
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-06-23 17:26:32
I already include...
a little spam in my signature.
Picked up this idea from Ryv...
2000-06-24 10:22:10
Just don't let CJ catch you...the link in my sig really pissed him off...he really bitched me out about it!
Unfortunatly for him, I had already removed it the day before!!!
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-06-23 12:50:05
Thanks, Vantrix...
Glad you like it!
Now it looks more as a WitchFIRE realm.
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