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Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-07-07 16:17:57

*runs out of nonsense*
Sorry, can't think of anything that would fit this thread ;)
2000-07-07 16:23:04

Don't feel bad.
I have run out too.
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-07-07 16:25:54

Who would've thought? :evil
2000-07-07 16:30:22

*smacks him in the back of the head*
Now what's that supposed to mean, Mr. Sarchastic?
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-07-07 16:36:37

*sees fleas jumping on Ryv*
Oh nothing, I just thought that since the thread is such a nonsense, who would've thought while writing it ;)
2000-07-07 16:41:33

Not me.
It's my summer vacation!!!

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