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Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-08-05 16:12:01

Are you sitting down?
Tomek Tryzna was my mother's first boyfriend.

As for "Panna Nikt (Miss Nobody)", I haven't read the book but I watched the film... kinda freaky :) I'm sure to read it one day though.
Loki Hedengang
2000-08-05 16:25:42

kewl.... hehe...
well.. the movie doesn't do the book justice IMO...

though I can ofcourse understand that the movie doesn't show the nudety described in the book.. which would have been a little difficult to do with the girls playing the roles being so young..

I have the movie (recorded it from german ZDF a couple of years back) but haven't got the book yet... sofare I get it at the library when I want to read it... it's IMO a very great book .. and it has many kewl topics.. like one of the main characters is being tormented by an inner demon and there's the mindcontrol stuff and such... but that was in the movie too so you know about that... though it wasn't portraied so good in the movie IMO

I can defiently recommend it... to all that may happen to read this thread... I would almost call it a must read..
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-08-06 22:37:25

I think I'll read it...
... after I finish with the Wheel of Time series.

According to my mom, Tryzna was a very eccentric personality. The book is it's best example.
Loki Hedengang
2000-08-07 06:00:13

I can defiently belive that he was/is
eccentric 'cos the book certainly isn't writen in a way that is normal.. though it's ofcourse hard to say what really is normal...

It's filled with eccenticities and the likes.. but he at the same time manages to captivate the reader in a magnificent way IMO...
2000-08-08 08:22:31

Finish the WoT serie?
isn't that going to take loooooong time?
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-08-10 13:02:46

Longer that I can imagine...
I'm still on the first book :)
2000-08-10 13:15:26

when you're done with that one, you'll have at least 9 to go.
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-08-11 05:00:03

I'll have at least 15.
2000-08-11 08:32:19

so they milk you for money by translating every English book into two Polish ones?
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-08-11 13:12:53

*laughs* ...
Actually, I save a lot on these books. They were released a couple of years ago (each part split in two - makes it easier to read ;) and their price hasn't rised since then, making them ridiculously cheap.

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