Behemoth's Lair

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2000-10-31 07:17:57

Message from Behemoth...
(Cut and pasted from Chan's Therapy Room forum, per the Beast's request)

*destroys everything in sight*

So much for a complicated tantrum ;)

Onto the case: In case a miracle happened and someone actually wondered what has happened to the
beast, here's an explanation: The printer port in my motherboard was faulty so I carried it to the
service for repair. My comp is now "motherbpardless"... in other words... useless and I probably won't
have it back earlier that in two weeks.

So... I ask anyone that reads this msg to repost it in the INN at my place, in case a miracle happened
and someone actually wondered THERE :). I would do it myself, but I allow only registered users to
post in the Lair and the password to my ezboard account is on my HDD that lies on a shelf in my room
and obviously can't be read from w/o the comp.

Anywayz, I send greetings atcha all and see ya in two weeks (or earlier if I get access to the net, like

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