Behemoth's Lair

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Lady Siuan
2000-09-27 10:57:27

*casts Dispell and tries again*
Now, isn't this fine, Beast? ;-)
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-09-27 13:14:58

*reminds Siuan that an anti magic aura...*
is immune to all kinds of magic*
2000-09-27 14:59:30

*Enters and lands on Beh's shoulder
Rats, just when I wanted someone to try this pleasure spell out on *grin*
Lady Siuan
2000-09-28 11:32:04

*Siuan clears gently throat*
and summons her best Dragonfly to attack him, the creature dispels the benefical spell... then grinning, she casts Enslave on him*

How does it feel now, Beast? ;)

BTW, Nem, I take this as lending a hand to a friend. Would you like to join? Seems pretty cool here. :)
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-09-28 12:37:08

*kills the dragonfly with a fly pat*
*...and once again reminds Siuan that an anti magic aura is immune to spells of any creatures. Takes out his orb if Inhibition just in case*

Pleasure spell, Pinochio? ;) Try it out on Siuan, I (thank God) have the orb :)
Lady Siuan
2000-09-29 13:06:01

OK, Beastie Boy
I'm jumping here and will enjoy myself in the company of ther others gentlemen. Nem, why don't U join? This will make me an honour. *Stripping her wet blouse*. Hehe, this feels better!

Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-09-29 14:27:35

*lies down on the stone bed...*
*...and starts reading a book*

Hopefully, I'll finally read to the end of the first part of the Wheel Of Time series :)
Lady Siuan
2000-09-30 12:22:13

He's busy,
then I can strip more. Don't even DARE to take a look here, OK? *Pouring tones of milk to soften her skin*.

WoT, uh? Now, really, U'll se what snakes U have around... ;) LoL.
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-10-06 13:36:20

*starts chanting in barbarian language...*
*...tongues of blue cold fire appear around his claws. Behemoth releases the tongues, which start weaving a cover of darkness to cover the undressing Siuan*
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-09-21 13:37:57

*pushes Siuan into the pool*
That's one problem I've solved for you :)
Lady Siuan
2000-09-22 10:56:55

*Screams and grabs his hairs while falling*
*so he falls into the pool as well*.

Very well... now, let's splash! *Grabs some water and throws it at the Beast*
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-09-22 15:16:33

*stops beside the pool...*
...and reminds Siuan he's 100 times heavier than her so it's not that easy to drag him into the jacuzzi*

Lady Siuan
2000-09-23 12:29:23

*Casts Enslave and Hypnothise on him*
*And he falls down like a feather*.

Feel more convinced like this? Or should I cast Teleport? ;)

Do U lack the motivation, beast? ;)
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-09-23 12:40:29

*scratches head*
*...and reminds himself on an anti-magic aura he conjured to protect himself from Chan's pink bow and ribbon magic*

Try again, Siuan ;)

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