Behemoth's Lair

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Gnaughty Gnoll
2000-06-30 19:46:41

*Grabs a towel and quickly wraps it around his....

I don't want to have a 'bad head-fur day'.
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-07-01 14:41:30

*covers eyes*
*starts chanting in barbarian language causing a cover of darkness to appear in front of the gnoll*
Chandler the Witch
2000-07-03 20:00:34

*wrinkles her nose at the smell of wet Gnoll*

*quickly jumps in beside them....plugs the tub....using a bit of magic, fills the tub double quick, grabs hold of the Gnoll and rubs her favorite shampoo into his fur...working him up to a lather covered, sweet smelling, fur ball..scrubs*
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-07-03 22:08:20

*brings a giant fan...*
and dries the gnoll, who instantly turns into a poodle, 70% poodle that is ;)

What have you filled the jacuzzi with, Chan? ;)
Chandler the Witch
2000-07-10 21:28:14

Honeysuckle scented bubblebath...
..of course.


*tries not to look at the fluffy Gnoll*

Gnaughty Gnoll
2001-10-30 11:21:49

*jumps awake with a scream*
Was it all a terrible nightmare or did this forced bath really take place?

*shakes uncontrollably*

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