Behemoth's Lair
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Lady Midnight
2000-07-07 06:21:44
*Looks at the crystal bubbling water...
and then at B*
Ok, ok so I was tired when I crawed in here and thought it was champagne. *grins*
Only 1 of 3 huh. Well should I be honored by the title, or angry. *has a confused look on her face*
Oh well, back to the business at hand.
*gets out the axe polish, and starts to polish a very large axe* *grin*
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-07-07 15:15:26
You will be able to toss your axe after another 30 messages
Behemoth the Barbarian
2000-07-06 21:35:19
I think you really needed to relax...
since you've mistaken crystal clear water with champagne
I changed the water after my hair plugged up the drain.
As for your title, you're one of only 3 users that have that title
Lady Midnight
2000-07-06 05:16:26
*stumbles in and falls into the Champagne jacuzzi*
*Closes her eyes and lets the warm champagne bubbles sooth her aching muscles*
*After a while she peaks an eye open.*
B, this is such a wonderful place to relax.
*She suddenly notices her new title*
Oh B, an axe polisher??? Oh well, I am too tired now, I will polish my axes later. *grins*
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