Behemoth's Lair

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Behemoth the Barbarian
2001-07-29 16:11:09

Wrong pool! This one is filled with acid. That must be the cause of the warmth felt in your legs. Allow me to transport what's left of... I mean... you to the right pool. *grins*
Jay the Gnauseous Gnoll
2001-07-29 16:42:40

Your right! I`m dying! My legs are gone ooohhhhh! :eek
Behemoth the Barbarian
2001-07-29 17:01:16

ummm... errrr..... they'll grow back...?
Jay the Gnauseous Gnoll
2001-07-30 04:43:18

*hack cough hack*
Come closer I need to whisper into your ear.
Cyra the Wizard
2001-07-30 08:06:48

Nah, Jay
don't believe Beh! It is champaigne in here! *puts her fingers into the liquid*
See? Nothing happens.... And this what happened to you is a proof for a power of suggestion... ;)
Behemoth the Barbarian
2001-07-30 11:51:46

And what power! He actually SAW his legs gone! Can you believe it? *wink*
Cyra the Wizard
2001-07-31 03:52:42

the power of suggestion is really unbelievable... Some people claim, they saw talking behemots after they have been told that those creatures exist. *grins*
Jay, c'mon, you didn't die. After all, most of us mastered the 'Animate gnoll' spell.. *grins again*
Behemoth the Barbarian
2001-07-31 06:49:52

Re: Well....
Doesn't the spell you mentioned have side effects on the brain of the object? *grin*
Cyra the Wizard
2001-08-01 06:10:20

Re: Well....
Hmmm.. side effects...? No.... eeeermmm... if you mean that the aim of the spell is a bit umm... dezorientated and a little bit confused.. and behaves a little bit strange...
Well, if you would like I can try out the spell.. on you... *grins*
OK, Jay I promise to use it... on your own risk... ;)
Jay the Gnauseous Gnoll
2001-08-01 16:55:56

fire away what happens can't be too bad. Please don't set me on fire. :lol
Cyra the Wizard
2001-08-02 08:57:35

Just in case, please, cast 'Protection from fire' OK?
Jay the Gnauseous Gnoll
2001-08-02 09:57:06

I don't know
how to use magic :( could you do it?
Cyra the Wizard
2001-08-02 12:09:05

You really are ready for me casting spells? ;)
*casts 'Protection from fire, water and clumsy magic*
Jay the Gnauseous Gnoll
2001-08-02 17:17:46

Hit me with
your best shot *trembles*
Cyra the Wizard
2001-08-03 08:19:42

*looks at him*
Well, seems to me that my spell worked. *grins*
I wonder if you are able to fire a match.. *thinks of 'Protecion from Fire'*
Don Ash
2001-09-07 05:05:35

*enters silently
and asks* Hi, can I enter the jacuzzi in here with you? I'd like to meet new people, cause I'm for the first time in here.
To Behemoth. If anything is wrong in this reply tell me ;)
Jay the Gnauseous Gnoll
2001-07-31 17:57:01

brain has already been fried from the last conversation we had *shakes fist again at both of them* So I suppose it wouldn`t matter if I was to die you used that spell on me Cyra. ;)
Jay the Gnauseous Gnoll
2001-07-30 15:16:40

Cyra, I thought I was going to die for sure! *Shakes an angry fist at Behemoth* Why I aughtta!
Jay the Gnauseous Gnoll
2001-07-29 15:28:27

* Places legs into
the jacuzzi and sits down* The water sure is warm here, must be a volcano nearby. While i`m in here are there any flesh eating monsters in the water I should know of?

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