Behemoth's Lair

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2003-09-18 07:47:45

Re: Hey there
Tina!!!! Well I had to follow some ezrings to find this place, you just mentioned "Mel's" and I've never been here before (*waves to everyone*). Anyway, I see you're still stuck in gaming land *sighs* maybe I'll chase you down somewhere else though, where you can't get away from me!

3DO filed for bankruptcy and auctioned out its components, UbiSoft bought the M&M rights though, so you might see something new there in the future :)

It's good to hear you're doing fine. I'm just the usual! I prefer to tell you things in private though. If I ever catch you that is :)

Good luck with the games ;)

Lots of love and hugs back :D

2007-11-16 17:52:14

Better late than never I suppose..4 years late in responding to this post.. so sorry Johan..

I have a 4 year head start on you, so you better get to running faster.. ;)

/huge hugs

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